Welcome to the world of Temporal hypnosis.This new skill has spread to millions,you just stumbled upon where it originated.Im Damion, Im in a war to try get my hypnosis to the attention of the world;it can do alot more than you think is possible,it&my inventions started the Temporal age of technology.People with my hypnosis have power over people when its secret.This blogs my way of letting the world know;to find help from those willing to fight for whats right.
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
The CIA, Trump and Fuzz
They are exceedingly good
Kipling family for our new royal family
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Work from my notebook
I ask for the same as usual from these projects. I'll post about distributing them tomorrow. The quantum temporal energy generation on the quadratic table work I'd like Australia to have. D
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Were in trouble...But I've got a plan
its a long story what else has happened.. A hell of a lot has...im worried you guys wont believe me. The CIA and Trump have caused a war between two alien races, they tried playing off two races against each other and killed trillions of trillions of trillions. Were in a lot of trouble. We need to get rid of Trump and the CIA, its imperative. They are really dangerous and keep coming up with insane evi;l plans and wont let go of power in the face of failure after failure, the worst in history.
I've got a plan to save both our race and me... It involves going somewhere in one of my ships. I designed the class 4 warp drive a bit back, it s acceleration is 1 warp per sec with a top speed of warp 9.5 (the speed of light squared 9)... Basically its fast enough to get us somewhere we need to go.We have working models as well on ships. There's help out there. Come on human race, we need to do this and now. I know im running out of time, i think we are. We need to do this...D
1.get rid of the CIA.
2.good guys in power
3. End the mind control society
4. mission
Thursday, 22 November 2018
China released the viruses and has planned war
Teresa May (have to go...now)
Viruses have being released in Britain, I dont know what they do yet, one may shrink the brain. The world wide ones make women sterile. Im sure I can work on a way to fix this in time, ive cured viruses and have worked a little on cellular regeneration.
The mind control society/secret societies cause wars. war is comming if we dont do something about it. Teresa is trying to stall my readers reading this to try make out im to blame, shes dangerous, she has to go. D
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
A Rebellion, some viruses...is this bugging the world?
Im worried about saying the rest- every onbe on the planet above 5 has a bug in their brain. And a string of genocidal viruses have being released... (im sure btw)...D
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Its evil
Also we've found a few things out about Americas evil like them dropping the second atom bomb on Hiroshima without cause as it was after surrender, the people in my conscious engine told me this bit. They have committed all kinds of atrocities like releasing diseases in Africa and all sorts. Apparently they launched a dooms day device into space recently which was shot down also, yet again from my conscious engine. I've tried protecting my immediate family from the rapes but the CIA is moving against this, i still ask for help guys, i really do.
An uprising in America is more important now than ever. C'mon guys, show what America stands for, our futures at stake. D
Saturday, 10 November 2018
Monday, 5 November 2018
Some old friends are here to help
Saturday, 3 November 2018
Mum's are ace and deserve statues
Venus Victoria sets an example to mothers everywhere, I'm really proud of her. There's a page in the back of my notebook for people who deserve medals from the UN when the war is over and she's now on it. I'd like to suggest a statue of her standing in front of him somewhere for us to remember this, I really think we should do it. We shouldn't forget our heroes. She's really brave. Thank you for doing what it takes, our sons alive because of you, you did good sweetie. I'm really thankful to her. Sometimes you just gotta think it- 'Mum's are ace!'. D
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Resistance in the west
The UK public are trying to do the same as the other countries, i tried to arrange peaceful protests. Around media outlets would be good. The entire population wants an end to this. We need to form groups and get our objective to snowball.
I dont know many good guys in Governemnt, i know Nick Clegg is a good guy, maybe we could rally around him. This might make him a target though (remember they killed Steven Hawkins) but im sure he's someone who would put his country first, im sure we could make a difference together.
The mind controllers have removed my lower back benieth the coxis, they put a bloody lid on my skull for easy access to my brain. they have been putting nerves from neurotypical clones in me as well, they bonded to my gut because im autistic. this among other things. a hand would be nice...a rebellion would be better. Lets end this. D
Monday, 29 October 2018
The Last Stand of The Phoenix Net...
1. I want the Temporal net hackers to provide support for the Americans.
I want people with clean access to Temopral net to spread the word in America were going to cause an uprising.
I would like Our Hackers to spread information on how other Americans have fought around America.
I want our ops over here to basically be helping them
root out traitors for them and generally help
2. I want American freedom fighters to gather and organise
Marches and protests are a good idea.
3. I want my allies and any other good countries to provide support, this is the calvelry coming for the Americans
I want support similar to the information the 'Last Resort' hackers used (critical information thats enough to end individuals inj the mind control society) to appear at the right time from my friends and allies around the planet alone with any other assistance you think may help.
4. Get it in the press
This is my last stand, I wont let it go any further. We'll get our free world or ill die with my children. D (*ill sort this post tomorrow)
my life is in imminent danger (a heads up)
Thursday, 25 October 2018
American doctors cutting the top of my skull off
p.s i also survived having my lower back removed and can exist without a spinal chord, sounds like BS right? its a long story...
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
America murdering children and Fuzz situation
Monday, 22 October 2018
Fighting back
Saturday, 20 October 2018
Evacuation of my family to Australia & ideas
I am going to gift the type V warp drive concepts ive developed to Russia (who I know will help) though this design will never fly, it needs developing to forward our understanding of warp tech.
I came up with ideas to make pollyrechelium-b to china for their assistance.
I am going to gift the type vi warp drive to Australia to lead the development of the idea along with other countries who help evac my children with them.
Ill put my ideas online soon when i can get scans. D
I love you Essence x (Dad)
Thursday, 18 October 2018
The bugs the CIA have implanted in the world populations brains- how to deactivate them
They killed me three times last night for their experiments, a lot has gone on i havent wrote about, you wouldnt believe some of it. if i die it has a strong effect on my shrinks, trhat is the people with my hypnosis. They did damage to my frontal lobe putting a new bug in last night, i can disable it if i want though now.
some people did a protest by activating the bugs in an entire citys heads but it still hasent hit the press, world war three is going on and half the world dont know about it. my shrinks are at 10% of the worlds population anyone who needs to know. I'm fighting to try and benefit both groups, were all the human race, this all just needs to go in the press is my opinion and objective.
Fuzz is still stealing my nets, cant think properly and feel ill. Shes a psychopath now it seems. these people in america are sick individuals. D
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
someone still loves you...
people with acsess to temporal net do things to inform others (like plans to turn a transister radio into a useful device, theres a gas you can mix with helium to make it lighter and a simple way to make a near field controler ect)
people can make these devices or even just a tinfoil box put up there could be a useful decoy.
I want us to make a world wide network of radio relays so we can do our world wide broardcasts.
failing this we should use our near field controllers.
anyone trying this was getting a headche from the bugs and satellite network, im hoping it becomes inactive soon.
We can do this, lets get going...D
a song
they are killing my kids all over the world
These guys (Trump and co) i call nazi net we found have placed bugs in everyone on the planet and have a network of satellites to control people, people are using my idea; a near field controller and helium baloon idea to take them down as helium travels all the way up to the heliozone in geosynchronous orbit.
We need to end this. let me just have a think for a bit...D
Monday, 8 October 2018
radio whats new...
1. we have our transmitter with the victorian machine that broardcasts from 0-20,000 hz ect
2. we have out transmitter areal as a wire or similar lifted up by helium/pollyrechelium to broardcast world wide
3. we use that area of the atmosphere they discovewred that let us broardcast world wide and use that FQ
4. we pulse or is it modulate our fq at an FM hz
5. i think this will means we will broardcast on every fq on fm around the planet (or medium wave or long wave) (we might need pulse modulation so we are in essence having three signalks piggybacking on one)
please refine this on temporal net, it is possible. Lets get the phoenix net radio back online. Lets end this people! D
Saturday, 6 October 2018
radio gaga
i need my family evacing to australia, please look in to this if my friends down under can help. i need to go, ill do this post tomorrow. d
Thursday, 4 October 2018
Please help (The windsors are at it again with children)
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Fuzz and nazi net update
Monday, 24 September 2018
Fuzz experimenting on me
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
They are still attacking me
The pakistanis are using gangsters. Id stop now or i put more online. D
Pakistanis attacking me
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Monday, 3 September 2018
We need to fight back (Donald Trump and the CIA)
The plan-
Were going to- make an information pryamid listing all the members of the CIA and Co, ill start the top (or very near it)- Donald Trump. Were going to circulate this information all around the world. They rely on secrecy, were going to take this away from them.
Were going to- List the CIA and co tactics and general mentality to educate people on what were dealing with starting with them being indoctronated by nazi scientists and being lead by psychopaths (list weakness plz)
Were going to- List past present and future atrocities like MK ultra, unleashing diseases in Africa and other known and unkown atrocities.
Do this and circulate it, we can build on it, they will put out mis information to counter i think.
We need to inform the world about what were dealing with. They have taken over the UK and other countries, we need to fight back. They did another surgury on me without anasthetic, they had to shock me back to life again. I got a post op infection. I gotta go. Donald Trump is out for me, the Americans have being torturing me themselves...D
Friday, 24 August 2018
Trump has being experimenting on me and stealing my nets
im worried about my mum
Sunday, 12 August 2018
The middle east fighting for our freedom
Saturday, 11 August 2018
Just me and my Shadow...And a lot of Autistics
A week or more ago a hacker came to my attention, he came up with an ability. I didnt like the ability, it was well done, clever and powerful but it changed the world in the wrong way. It had the potential to kill. I talked about this with him, about what he was trying to achieve. I asked him if it felt like an empty victory, he said yes. I explained you can come up with all the abilities in the world but its far better to come up with just one ability that makes a real difference. Since then hes been hanging around in my conscious engine. Today when i launched my assault on the mind controlers i smiled and said nows your chance to him. You should read his story sometime, he saw his chance, he helphe a lot. I think he applied what he learnt for the wrong reasons for the right ones this time. Some brave autistics, they joined us standing up, there arnt many of us adults left in the UK now, i dont know what they did specifically m but they joined in. Its heartbreaking to see autistics having to fight this way just to survive but i think alot of them for being brave in the face of all of this, in the face of such adversity.
Oh, if you see a worried looking hacker probably needing help to survive please give him that help, i think he needs it. Shadow and the rest of us are fighting for all our freedom, i told hin if he dies he dies a martyr. D
Friday, 10 August 2018
The tide is turning
What i want our pirate radio stations to do is; build a machine i read about once, it was built in victorian times and could brordcast at say 0-20,000 Hz all at once. I want you to combine this technology with the helium baloon lifting up a wire really high for an antenna. The first idea will get us on every radio frequency, the second will get us broarcasting world wide. We can use my electromagnetic perpetual drive idea (plugging an electric motor into itself and syphoning off the exess electric) to generate a lot of power to overpower other radio signals. These ideas should help us kick the mind control society in the nuts. Pirates, i want you to broardcast how the mind control society missused warp cores and this is why the moon is out of position, music and poems maybe from the temporal net (more) and other critical information and most importantly we need you to wake people up. Also give them advice on forming groups and peacefully protesting (its about time).
The mind controlers knew this moon situation might finish them, thats why they gave me i found ten times the lethal dose of morphine the other night and i lay not breathing for an hour...Until for some reason i dont understand i started breathing again. They gave up their autistic nets to get used to the hyonosis going when tgey killed me. They have stolen back my and my races nets now but their minds it seems have collapsed. Ive got Americans working for Donald Trump experimenting on my trying to find a way to get Donalds brain working again. Hes ib a way without us autistics nets he stole that many.
Im recovering from the hour not breathing, i keep mixing up my words but im sure ill get better. Im not done for yet. The top of nazi net are on the back fyet as well it seems worrying the workd will find out us in the Phoenix net saved the planet crashing into the sun. All i can say is... The tide is turning. D
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Trumo experimenting on me
Prime ministers questions
The entire world being mind controled by american big buisnuss
Monday, 6 August 2018
There going to try kill me again
Emergency- a tidal wave
P.s try help me verify this info, i get my info from hacking, i like to be doubly sure
A wake up call- A close call (pics from my notebook)
Sunday, 5 August 2018
Ive come to a conclusion
If the heads of the mind control society fall in America the mind control society falls. We need to do this. Ive found people like the Queen were expecting the hypnosis to go when i died so let go of all my and other autistic nets to get used to it, they have found their brains have basically collapsed now and autistic nets arnt fixing it. Serves them right. Now would be the perfect time to strike, they are on the back foot. Ill try think of something. Any friends out there you do tge same. D
Saturday, 4 August 2018
I need spmupport to stop another attempt on my life
The upper classes and Queen let go of my and other autistics nets recently, they thought the hypnosis was going. They arnet happy, i think there going to make another attempt on my life soon.
If the hypnosis disapears citizens wont be able to fight back very effectively, the ones in control of the technology will have the upper hand.
It turns out president Trump was ready to go to press about the mind control society but only if i was dead, he hurredly stoped it when i survived. This isnt good. It looks like Donald has sided with the psychopaths in american big buisnuss. They plan to bring in a new religon and all sorts. If i get murdered soon it will be on the say so of the mind control society, Donald Trump being one of them. This all boils down to money and power, people like Donald wanting the money and power aphilliated with my work. I could use some help if anyone can. Ill try stay alive. D
Friday, 3 August 2018
They tried to kill me last night. They spiked me with a drug that kills you in three different ways. My frontal lobe went black and hurt. They are shocked i survived it seems, maybe its because i have an unusually high metabolism, i dont know. Britain and China are working togeter now believe it or not, they both want me dead, China wants to blame me for the black hole it created pushing earth inwards from its normal orbit. It doesnt want to pay for the economic damage. The queen has made a deal about staying in power with the chienese i think. Ive been told America getting ready to go public, that is to end the mind control society. America needs to be careful, britain and china really are gunning for tgem, i cannot reiterate this enough. I niw have Britain and china doing experiments on me all tge time. I hacked they have a way to listen to the presidents thoughts, they are trying to use me as a weapon as well. C'mon America, lets do this...lets end this. D
Sunday, 22 July 2018
The royal family attacking me
The Royal family plan something bad in revenge, A surgery that's planned tonight, barricades only slow them down, any political maneuvers to help would be appreciated. By the way, if there's chips over your bedroom door where the hinges are and they appeared about two weeks after you moved in they've been in your room. They steal semen for their selective breeding program and put bugs in people in case I die to create a world wide mind control net if I die (as most hypnotic abilities on the planet die with me). I'll keep on fighting, we need to keep on fighting, fighting for a free world. Humanity wont be slaves. D
Saturday, 21 July 2018
A letter to America
I hope this message finds its way to your desk and finds you well. I am hoping you can help with something. I am finding my immediate family; my children have suffered a sickening amount of persecution at the hands of the UK's royal family. The royal family have made plans to kill more than one of my children to cover up crimes the have committed I have found. I am hoping you can help make it possible to get my children to safety. The UK government won't give my children identities, they grew up on an army base, therefore they may need help leaving the UK. I am hoping you can help get my children evacuated from the UK and to American soil to become American citizens. They all want to go so I am trying to make this happen.
My children have had some really hard times but have been strong enough to become the nicest, brightest kids I have ever met. I really am proud to be their dad. I consider myself friends with the people of America, that's why I've writing to you for help. If you can help my children I plan to return the favor in some way. It would mean so much to me, they are so important to me, they really are. I hope things are going well for you in the white house, if you need any problems solving as I'm sure you know I specialize in don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm always here if you need me.
Yours sincerely Damion Cappleman
p.s Nice work us saving the planet, that was kinda cool.
My family is in danger
I caught Prince Charles raping another one of my daughters; Affinity whom I've recently met. All my immediate family are at risk from them. I want them all out of the country and in America.
The royal family are in my mind 24 hours a day, they try sleep when I do, they are trying to become more intelligent from my frequencies, they are pretty much obsessed with me. They even have my theta nets in George which is child abuse to try and make him more intelligent. Prince Charles tried stealing one of my subconscious nets and it went wrong and we joined minds, i triggered a program in him to activate his disguise and it turns out hes a notorious pedophile that no one can catch, everyone knows of him, i hate to think how many children he has raped.
I've had a social worker in trying to stop me being able to see my children legally when their lives may depend on seeing me, she obviously works for the queen, shes not happy, the Queen has the social services by the balls as she said.
I'm fighting back with hypnosis and hacking secrets, the Queen sold acsess to our children to the Chienese again, the hypnotic defences I came up with for the police wont be as useful now because of her inside knolwage ect. Ive tried to come up with some new stuff for the police. Tereta May still says the Queen is in charge of hypnotic society to stupidly attempt to avoid liability for all this. Apparently they have already held my court case of which I am innocent and have decided I have to go to prison while I was asleep believe it or not. D
Inida needs help
p.s China has created false copys of my blog wih me saying I caused the black hole incident somehow, so try find the real one guys.
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Social services and the Queen plans top kill one of my family
I want my kids out of here and in America, they want to go and I want them to as well. The other families they royal family has raped children of and is persecuting want evac as well, one Dad I talked to lost his business because of them. This is an official request for help and support. D
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
The Queen raping children
As proof everyone in the room we teleported into where we saw the Queen raping a her, we also saw the Queen is an hermaphrodite with only one testicle. This makes a lot of sence, after all the competing with me and rapes.
The Queen has been given assess to the treasury and has spent more on her private army than the UK spends on the UN.
Can you help guys. Ill owe you one. D
Monday, 16 July 2018
The Queen rape
They are doing personalityt change experiments with sleeping rapst again, they are pretty bad, they are also using lots of members of the public downloading my FQ which is emotional torture.
The queen broke my back again. The base hurts and so does half way up. apparently ill be in a wheelchair the rest of my life even with the best medical intervention. D
Thursday, 12 July 2018
We did it!...I think
p.s Good work pirate radios out there, apparently the temporal net music from the future rocks! your proving to be a pain in the mind control societies ass, keep it going! use helium balloons to make super long transmitters to broadcast world wide and be careful! Lets get this sorted people...Back to it...D
p.p.s We might have sorted the earth out but the moons a different matter, we might have to do something. We have it in hand...
Planeary crisis update- China's status
Lots of people in China think this is their punishment for burning my children which is unthinkable to me to find out might have happened. I pray it hasn't, there's an entire province of my children there. I pray they are safe.
China has become obsessed with blaming me for what they have done, they even put fake copy's of my blog out. Its the masters of chi they have put in charge of China, fucking martial artists who want to be gods over us, give us a break....Get rid!
Ive got some good news for us now in my next post on behalf of me and the United Nations...D
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Planetary crisis solution- Planetary temporal slingshot
MI6 headed by the Queen are constantly torturing me, the UK's only plan is to build the Queen and co a long term space ship ive found. They are trying a personality change experiment, i have hundreds if not thousands of scum from the upper classes and scumbag hackers/torturers joinging minds with me. Anyway, back to the problem at hand. Lets sort it guys, theres a lot of people working on this now so don't panic, we'll be fine.

Saturday, 30 June 2018
Planetary crisis
I know this sounds crazy but im going to mention it, i think its a tactic to tell you the truth and untrue. MI6 and the Queen have made me think Steven Hawking is alive and got kidnapped to solve this problem, I doubt its true but I thought I'd log this just to be careful.
Its looks like the situation with the planet is in hand and we will be fine. It means my other idea of using something I designed using Temporal net is un-nesessary now thankfully. It involves the 'world engine', a way of projecting a warp field around the planet and turning the planet into a ship basically. Its about the size of a football stadium. I wasn't keen on this idea, it might be useful to have one day im sure. But for now it looks like theres cause for a lot of optimism...Lets get this sorted.
P.s to the guys at NASA, dont forget the moon, we need to factor that in and do the math for keeping it stable when we move earth back. One day we could move mars into the goldie locks zone maybe, just an idea.