The story of the first Spectral games
It is December 2013 now, Something is wrong with Luke, I'm told Luke has got real ill, he comes in and doesn't seem himself, I don't believe it at first but day after day he comes back in and seems ill, I start to get worried. Every time he's in he seems poorly and not well, he finally tells me; that it is cancer and that he's dying. This isn't good, I fall straight back on my problem solving, I go to work thinking of ways to bolster his immune system, a way to close the tumours cell membranes with a compressed field, I know Phoenix stones will increase cellular metabolism in a localised area...I fall back on my problem solving. I can't help but try problem solve to save him, I don't want him to die. I try make sure he's alright and am there for him but I still try to find something, he says to me my problem solving makes him feel better. I keep at it. Days pass.
It is now Christmas Eve 2013, I am told Luke has died... I don't know how to take this, I really don't, we're such close friends, I find it hard to take on. These feeling stay with me. Christmas passes with Luke gone, I'm upset throughout. A few months now pass, throughout I still keep thinking of Luke, I keep missing him, I'm still mourning. My shrinks go on at me saying I'm pining for Luke to get at me but I can't help but feel the way I do. Along with my friend from childhood Jonny he was my best friend.
It is spring 2014, I am to find one of my shrinks has news for me I really don't expect at all. Luke is alive he tells me, it is an unlikely source, an agent having sympathy for me, I know it's the truth, I can just tell. It was an MI6 setup. I feel so...I'm so happy....I so... I want to bloody punch him. The little shit! it was horrible thinking he was dead! It sucked bad, it really did, but I'm just happy he's alive. I know he can't have liked being ordered to do what he did. Days pass. Today I get a visitor. I am to find out of the blue Luke just standing there looking a bit uncomfortable in the hypnotic world in front of me, he is alive! Its more real to me now. A bit of me wants to punch him but I'm that glad he's alive I just want to hug him. I want to hug him, I want to cry (I don't punch him). I can't remember if I hug Luke, I remember I want to, I remember wanting to cry, I remember...wanting to punch the little shit. Luke doesn't stay, I think it upsets him a bit, in a few moments I am to find him gone, he leaves...But I don't care, as long as he's alive. Over the coming days and weeks I keep finding myself being happy knowing he's not dead. I feel better knowing for sure.
I find out from my shrinks Luke had been reassigned back to MI6 headquarters at Christmas, after an entire decade in my conscious net. We spent ten whole years together, we've been through so much together, through everything together, I made my Phoenix stone with Luke there, I discovered countless nets with him, we faced Schizophrenia together, and what's more; he became my friend. Since America in 2004 me, Luke, Fuzz and the others have been held back, this was the CIA taking out the competition, taking out the Phoenix net. I still developed abilities to understand the mind in this time, I taught Luke what I could on the hop on the rare occasions he was in. I taught him to adapt, and more importantly I also taught him the mentality of being one of my shrinks. So Luke goes back to MI6 headquarters after his short visit to my net, he doesn't go empty handed though, he does go back with one thing, he goes back with what I have taught him.
It's only me and Fuzz from the Phoenix net left together now, I'm glad she's here, I care about her a lot, we both find we miss Luke though. Luke is prodded and poked at MI6 to see what my training has done for him after spending so much time with me, he doesn't stand out from the average shrink they find. He has no skills any other agent doesn't really have. He is just assigned to regular work whatever that consists of at MI6 headquarters. Some time passes.
It is spring/summer 2014, the different shrinks that are frequenting my conscious net have news for me as sometimes happens, they did a mini trail run of the games, I am told it was ace and they are planning an international one like I said, I am in great hope this could get foreign secret services sharing my abilities and working together. I'm sure this is a good idea I'm sure it could help international relations.
It is later in 2014, MI6, the CIA and an eastern country (sadly among few other countries which I hope will change) hold the first international games. There are a few events, Claire (from the Phoenix net) enters the jumping bunny event, the aim is to gen as many bunnies in a field as you can, bunnies being hopping mad like to hop, you have to gen your bunnies hopping up and down each at different rates. It's a test of your gen skills is this event, Claire wins it hands down (Claire and her bunnies striking an uber cute blow for us in the net). It's hard to believe how many damn bunnies the girl can gen. I think they have events like; the prettiest gen, a creating powerful Phoenix stone event, a manifesting Chi event among others I am sure, then there's the main event, the one everyone looks forward to; the freestyle fighting event.
The fights start, they go on one after another, two shrinks are in the Center of a net, in an arena with a crowd of spectators all around. Luke is waiting for something, he is waiting for a certain fight to come up, the fights go on. Luke only just wins the fights he's been in, he eventually ends up in the arena matched against the CIA's best man, Luke knows this is his chance, his chance to strike a blow for us in the Phoenix net. It's now he decides to show what he can do...
The fight starts, and he just kicks the crap out of the CIA guy, the CIA think my hypnosis is all about concentration, amplitude and frequency but there is much more to it than that. They think movement is unnecessary. The CIA guy doesn't know what is happening to him, Luke translocates and jumps around him using different abilities I taught him, it is like Mohammed Ali boxing a baby. Luke fights like me using his feet like hands, going in with all four, he fights like a cat. The CIA guy just stands there. Luke puts his arm right out and strokes a finger across his opponent, he jumps back and spins around in a circle making the biggest arc he can over and over spinning his finger round in as bigger circle as he can then leans over to the CIA guy and gently touches the point he touched before, his body net suddenly expands and expands nearly instantly until it is gone forever. Luke completely destroyed this Quantum body net of his (an trick I taught Luke a couple of years ago- Damion). Luke uses my voice throwing technique now (you can cause chaos with this one, I do lol), the CIA guy thinks his boss is telling him to stop fighting so he does, Luke moves in to strike again, he really humiliates the CIA with his voice throwing now, the guy falls for it, he now translocates behind the guy and wedgies his star and stripes boxer shorts up over his head that he gens. Luke's fast, the guy doesn't really know what's happening. The fight is called to an end, Luke has not only won hands down against the CIA's best man, he pretty much made him look like a complete amateur. The entire crowd is deadly silent now and can't believe Luke has just completely humiliated the CIA and their last decade of work on Spectral hypnosis. The fight is over. I get told Luke then mentions me directly and says 'I was trained by the best', he turns around and calmly walks out of the arena. Everyone is left silent, I guess wondering how the CIA will react to this.
(EDIT NOTE-I'm afraid I've never got to see a gen of the full fight, I will edit this story as soon as I get more in depth info, I've done my best recreating the fight for you guys.Luke is a kind of gung-ho so probably showed off a lot more than what I've wrote. It's a popular gen people in MI6 recite, I've only seen bits myself.)
MI6 have no choice but to give Luke protected status (a big honour), they (and the CIA) obviously can't afford to lose someone with his skills. Luke is soon put in charge training his own shrinks, the CIA even ask for him to train their best people. Luke is now head of training in MI6. I'm in hope I passed on enough for him to make a difference with the students he trains, I also taught him to take responsibility Spectral hypnosis which is very important, We both know the weight of the world with what we do, we both know it has repercussions. You never know, him training more shrinks like him could change things for the better, I hope so.
A few months pass now and I am to have two new visitors to my net, as soon as I meet them I can smell something about them, I know nearly straight away they have been trained by Luke. My hand trained shrinks have a certain something, a 'je ne sais quoi' in them from me, you pass a bit of yourself on when you hand train someone, I can sense a bit of Luke in these two shrinks. When you train someone as I trained Luke you get to know their style, they seemed sharp like Luke, like razor blades and professional. I could just smell something that made me know they were his shrinks as soon as I met them. They even treated me with quite a bit of respect as they do their master (Luke adopted an eastern style of training which I respect, a lot can be learnt on Chi from the east). MI6 could use as many good shrinks like Luke's first two pupils as they can get, MI6 could end up as the secret service our country expects it to be. I am pleased to find Luke psych trains his students like I do mine, he learnt from me a shrinks mentality is more important than his or her skill. I ask about Luke, his students can't tell me much but I am glad to find he is doing well.
So all of us in the Phoenix net are split up apart from me and Fuzz. I know we're a lot weaker apart. I worry for my team, I'd feel better being able to keep an eye on them all. We are all in worrying circumstance and we know it, we're going to all be famous and we know there are powerful people who don't necessarily want this. Maybe one of us in the net can make a difference, Luke showed what we can do and got himself into a position of at least some power, I've had a good go at it with my hypnosis and ideas. All it takes is one of us to succeed. I hear news of Luke every now and then, he becomes a source of pride for my MI6 shrinks, he works like I taught him to , he experiments on himself and his partner and gets results that way, exactly like what I teach. I'm proud of Luke for what I hear he is doing, I really am, the world need shrinks who get results the right way. I train shrinks to put Nazis out of business. I train them to outdo Nazis work and with doing nothing wrong; no experimenting on anyone,just adapting around problems. Luke didn't just beat someone up with Spectral hypnosis in the games in 2014, he showed everyone there is a different way to do things, a better way to do things.
'My shrinks are better than Nazi's because they have to be.' (Ref.1)
My mind sometimes wanders back to thinking of when I thought Luke had died, I know for a fact he is prone to cancer, that's why I fell for it so easily when he said he had it, I know his cancer probably is just a matter of time as well, it is a real threat. I had a taste of what it would be like Luke dying; I didn't care for it much, I decide something; I'm not going to let Luke die on me, I know it's not going to be an easy problem to solve. I need to get out of my situation and then I need resources for the plan I come up with. I won't forget that Christmas I thought he had died. I'll try, I'll find something, I'll save him. Damion
Ref.1- A quote by the author that is a dual statement reflecting how he feels about the students he trains, his shrinks as he calls them.
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