Welcome to the world of Temporal hypnosis.This new skill has spread to millions,you just stumbled upon where it originated.Im Damion, Im in a war to try get my hypnosis to the attention of the world;it can do alot more than you think is possible,it&my inventions started the Temporal age of technology.People with my hypnosis have power over people when its secret.This blogs my way of letting the world know;to find help from those willing to fight for whats right.
Saturday, 1 August 2020
D-locker advancement
My new variant on the d locker drug has diamond shapes of four three armed elements to replace the proteins. Im having trouble getting my pic from my notebook online. Damion
Borris joining the nazis properly and trying to sell me to aliens
As above. Ill explain tomorrow. Hes been making out hes being mind controled getting me to help him while he sits letting ke be tortured in reality. Just had trump,the queen,borris in for some reason. I think wanting nets from me. They are definately all in the same network. They plan to keep the world enslaved. This will get worse. Damion
Friday, 31 July 2020
A star date to remember
Todays a day i want to remember. A ship from another universe visited our universe. Its a big deal. Humanity played a part. The 31 july 2020. There ship was in orbit. It could be seen by the naked eye apparently... it might have looked a bit familiar. Ill documrlent it in my book someday... Damion
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Art of war
Hypnotists are using games to target kids i think. Everytime i play this game i get attacked. They have set up a network to teleport peoples minds where there opponent is. Its a pain. I get attacked every time i play. Just to log this. Damion
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Saturday, 25 July 2020
Trump torturing kids
Trump and the cia are torturing kids who disagree with the mind control society. Ive one who tunes in every time i play glochenspiel to my music in my mind. Shes trappen her body on autopilot being tortured. Theyll go for all of us with em weapons at some point.. Damion
Friday, 24 July 2020
Trumps responsible for 50million deaths today
He had one of his personal guards that lives on pensilvania av to attack all pregnent girls on the planet. I dont know why. It lead to 50 million deaths ive been told.
A lot has happened today. Putin planned ww3. Ive outed the plan today. I hope it helps. Theres a lot of discontent with him in Russia. I also outed Trump and Putin collaberating. They visit each other hypnotically. Damion
Trumps in a bad way
His support is failing in the usa. People are angry at what hes done. Hes just tried supprrsding the angry emotion in the populatio of tge usa. Hes gotta go. Im not sure if theyve injected a pollymer into my testese. They still have acsess to my room. Why wont the uk act? Damion
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Putins weapon satalites
He has a network of satalites around the world with beam weapons on. They are crossing about 8 beams over into my bedroom. They are hitting other key targets like downing street. I can see and sense energy. They are golden satalites with spiky bits and what looks like a black bin bag covering them. They are pretty big. Damion
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Trumps theft from the UK economy
Hes stealing 50% of our output as a country. Hes using this to try take us over. They are experimenting on my a lot the Americans. Trump is obsessed with my abilities and wants them for himself. Trump is even contacting the wrong aliens to try gain support for his ailing position. Damion
Monday, 20 July 2020
America is starting to dead head the uk military. He plans to use this somehow. Damion
Sunday, 19 July 2020
America trying to murder me
I got messages to a lot of people around the world with telepathy. Trump knows its going to end now. Hes tried to murder me with a really bad nerve toxin. My tummy and middle of body nerved died but my healing kept me alive. The american people apparently are more concerned about getting the money ive made. A lot of them came in my mind the other day. Im hoping this isnt true but it looks like it is. Is it Trumps lies? I dont want them getting money im intitled to. Not under these circumstances. Damion
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Its Just about time....
Just about time we ended this....i just trained millions of people around the world...Its gone critical...its ending....Damion
Friday, 17 July 2020
Al gore
I just got some neural nets back. Ive got Al Gore attacking me. Hes in trumps network. I took their disquises off them. Autistics wont be slaves Al! Damion
It wasnt me
Im lead to believe a lot of people were brain damaged or died yesterday in the usa. Trumps responce was to blame me for his big plan hes got. He tortured me with these agressive emotions from monkeys. I lashed out by letting the world know what would humiliate america. I didnt want to do this. This torture is extreme. The attack happened because trump is going round the world doing this form of brain damage where people act normal but are inside their bodies getting tprtured or are neurologically dead. The attack was a counter attack and not me at all. Get rid of this monster America. Enough is enough. Damion
Thursday, 16 July 2020
Put it in the press- before its too late
Things are escelating. We need this in the press. We need it now. Its important we do this now. Get the telepathy in the press. Damion
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Younger-head of mi6
He gets money to fund his secret service by selling acsess to torture me to foriegn powers that abuse the brittish. Worm. D
Monday, 13 July 2020
rise up
The scientists of the world are rising up against the mind control society. This is the best time for us to strike for the rest of us. they have found out a lot. We got to end this. Help them and hit other areas. The mind controlers are weak at the moment. Damion
Saturday, 11 July 2020
trump poisoning sperm banks and raping girls with monkey dna
Hes doing this because his nazi superiority project went wrong. Hes trying to get us like the indians got them at the end of a war ive been told. He is mixing my dna with monkeys too.hes pathetic and evil. Hes got a few issues about this monkey stuff. Damion
Friday, 10 July 2020
we wont forget Steven Hawkins
We still need to rescue Steven Hawkins. Hes either at that prison in America or at the alpha centari site. Its been a while he had been gone now. I hope hes doing well. Just a note to remind everyone hes out there. Damion
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
american tactics taking over a country
Trump is using an established american tactic to try take over the uk. They did or are doing the same in the middle east. There is a strong paradox so look out for this to know what they are doing. Its not oil they after,its our genes i feel. Its greed gone mad. Damion
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
trump experimenting on unborn babies
They are trying to kill my lower fq brain waves in my tummy. Its having a knock on effect on unborn babiles because im a classic autistic and so many people have tge hypnosis. Can people help. I need security of some description. Damion
Monday, 6 July 2020
Ive got a china man cutting the vagina of a baby to get frequencies to burrow into my mind. The hypnosis kind of cut off. Hes in with their government. Find out his name plz. Damion
trump stealing again
Trump is theving off the British. Keep an eye on this guys. Its bad for all of us. Damion
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
the head of mi6 has defected
Hes part of trumps lot. He helped with britain been attacked. Hes out to kill off mi6. They are 40,000 strong. They want to leave 600. Damion
trump using weapons of mass destruction
Trumps using hypnotic weapons to give the world population protein disorders where your proteins,the messangers in your cells wont work properly. It takes 6 montgs to die ive been told. Hes also trying to put monkey emotions of violence in me to effect everyone with the hypnosis. Damion
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Britains wont be slaves
Luke turned around the invasion of the uk by Trump anf America. Its a long story im only partially aware of. Things are looking up. Damion
Monday, 29 June 2020
an undercover war in ammerica
Trump is targeting jewish americans like Jenifer. Us good guys that want freedom need to help. Damion
important again
Government,the toffs sold out mi6. They are moving against mi6. We need to use their offensive against them. They are going to try killing a lot of mi6 agents. This is tge toffs selling the countries defences for what trump has offered them personally. They are trying to disarm britain. We need to move. Damion
emergency help
Jenifer andiston, the actress off friends is in need of hypnotic help. She is trapped inside her body. Its a hypnotic technique where your programmed subconscious or another person controls you. Its because shes of jewish liniege. Long story. U can tell because of the crainial crest thingy. I call them klingon ridges. help her guys or get her help. She looks gray in hypnosis. Damion
Sunday, 28 June 2020
The toffs sold 'big bang birtha' to trump. This is bad. Its a global killer weapon. Thats what the american ships were here for. Damion
the toffs selling the keys to our defences
U will find them with money they shouldnt have. They sold the keys to our defences to try stay in power. Even if that means trump trying to take over. Damion
Saturday, 27 June 2020
yet again
They tried killing me again. Poisons. Ball less borris and the nazi net
the illusion of power
Government is only two buildings in london. Probably like other regiemes. U think of it as a big monstet but its not. I told hypnotic society this and doelwnloaded what its like and they were shocked. Borris wants to turn it like russia now where its a fort. Were designed around democracy with safeguards in the uk like having a changing regieme. The people of the uk are really unhappy. Borris is a big bastard if i do say so myself. Damion
Friday, 26 June 2020
A british girl of about 12 who was kidnapped in china 1 year ago is in the custody of the emporor. She needs help. an mi6 agent said the name lisa joe for what its worth. Damion
china and america
They plan to kidnap me again. Damion
chairman who?
The emporor of china is fortifying himself in a rich weaponised province of china mimicing someone i fear. Damion
Thursday, 25 June 2020
ill tell u someday
A lot of people are fighting back. I did something new. Long story...ill write u it someday...Damion
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
trump and his inferiority complex
They are doing reconstructive surgury to make me look like a monkey. Trump did a project on racial differences a while ago. He found humanity had been infected by monkey dna. I had a cure for it...temporal net,i used an electrostatic reaction from it to get my proteins to fix my dna when they put cloned/damaged dna in me. They have been putting metal pins in my face. The government /toffs are letting them. Torturing me a lot.d
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
I have found out americas trying to invade us. A lot is going on. They didnt get control of our nukes which is one of the things they were after. D
Monday, 22 June 2020
repeatedly breaking my skull
Lots of surguries. Breaking bones above mouth.d
sas- coward core
The sas have swelled their number an incredible ammount with american soldiers it seems. They are doing the same as with mi6. D
Sunday, 21 June 2020
They are making the splits in my mouth and face/skull worse. It hurts. Damion
murder attempt on me tonight
They just tried to kill me, it was about the stroke of 12. They gave me a potent drug that gave me a headache and turned the core of my frontal lobe grey killing neurons, i think it effected the back also. I healed myself. They are gunning for me. Its Trump, the queen and borris johnson. These guys are intent on keeping the world suffering. Boris has asked the queen to deal with this. She just personally said 'go in and do it tonight' to a serving SAS scumbag. Anyone want to lay down a bit of cover please. i need to think of a new plan...Damion
Saturday, 20 June 2020
drugs and the cia
We did a pie chart on temporal net on who makes what money from drugs comming from places like columbia...the CIA make the vast majority. Its not like columbia is that rich is it. We should help stop this. Its funding a terrorist organisation. If we played our cards right our economies could benefit by easing pressures on drug users, a resulting decrease in crime and more money flowing into the daylight economy. I think we need to offer protection both in columbia and on the open seas. The americans will have a system of confiscation and redistribution. They even poisoned britains supply and prehaps other countried. Do a comparison with american coca and that in other countries... to spell this all out,they wont be able to pay their army without this sizable % of their income. Damion
Friday, 19 June 2020
get networking people
Form political groups. It doesnt matter if they are small, we can all unite as we proceed. We need to do this. D
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
the toffs murdering political groups
I put an idea togeter. I started getting better from the brain damage. Thats why they brain damaged me. We should compile a list of the political people the toffs like borris johnson murdered. Heres the start of my idea....its an idea for us to form larger and larger groups. Its only the start...
4 levels- group. Organisations. Country lev. World lev.
Group level
Stage 1-lone stage
Stage 2- group stageo
Stage 3- resource gathering
Stage 4- action and larger scale networking
Leaders of groups we rally round and must be interested in a job in government. Group must help them.
Must gather resources,
Will basically hfelp me take responsibility for the hypnosiso.
Organisation level
Become an official political movement, a charity or buisinuss.
Stage 1- make it official
Stage 2- get your message made of what you can do and want to achieve and get it out there publically and privately
Stage 3- wheel and deal with how this could benefit other groups
Stage 4- effect change through media coverage,elections, deals and other actions
Countrys lev
Effect actioion in or Incorperate with or replace regieme
World level-
Get the world knowing the truth and promote unifacation for key issues humaanity
the sas are murdering brittish citizens for money
A captain in the sas did the needles last night
Monday, 15 June 2020
the cia and trumps atrocities
They have a conscious guy with tubes comming out of an exposed brain. They are trying to do experiments trying to make me into a computer as they put it. Its public knowlage they want to do this. Idiots. Its because temporal net comes from my mind we have found. A lot of people are suffering because of trump. They are torturing mrle a lot. I need at least one dose of a drug a day to stay functional. Damion
trump and his veitnam general mate
They brain damaged all of great britain with a brain damage weapon. They then had me stabbed in the right frontal lobe while i slept to stop it getting better for everyone. Damion
Saturday, 13 June 2020
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
trump is stealing stuff of china
It looks like hes trying to take control of china again.d
Saturday, 6 June 2020
a split in my skull and them trying to kidnap me
Theyve done a split in my skull from the middle of my top front teeth to my nose. I think this is a precursor to kidnapping me/stealing my brain and transpkanting it into a clone body. Maybe tonight before tge court case on thursday. They have done expeiments like this on people. You exist in perpetual pain if its done, its unthinkably bad. Us temporal hypnotist in my conscious engine tuned into somone whos had it done yesterday. A judge who was in said we'd help as soon as we could. Things are dangerous for me. Can anyone whos going to move move now. Everythings going on. Damion
Friday, 5 June 2020
the status of the UK
Ive been sitting back as it where since we liberated the uk from Trumps control. Really im just trying to get better. Ive been hoping the current regieme/s, 'the Toff's' as there known would do the right thing. The problem is they arnt doing it seems. They want to cover everything up. The people of Britain,the millions with the hypnosis have made it clear they want a fresh start. This is causing problems. Ive now got a conservetive government official trying to get me sent to prison with this court case. They have been letting the cia torture the heck out of me since 'that friday' a couple of months back when we freed Britain thinking it will kill me. Im holding out just,imprissonment would kill me though thats for sure. We need to strike the match to light the fuse of a bit of rebelion i think...The court case is on thursday. any help would be appreciated Britain, thats a request for help,for you to show up in support. Ive fought, maybe we could together. We all know ive been set up,theres concensus. We could use this to end this. Fortune favours the bold....Damion
Sunday, 24 May 2020
my bank
I put my bank details online here a while ago to help get some funds. It turns out somone is stealing this conciderable ammount from me. I havent recieved anything. Just a heads up. Damion
Friday, 22 May 2020
there was an accident with the hypnosis
The cia were trying to hurt the games programmer girl, i did an ability to tune into her consciousness and the cia tried blocking me,i concentrated and there was an accident. I tuned into a lot of people. A lot of new people have the hypnosis now. Im hoping this will help. Damion
Thursday, 21 May 2020
trumps still at it
It looks like he is using his army dressed as civillians to target and dead head uk civillians, its a form of brain damage which means u can be controled like a robot while acting normally. It destroys the tubules in the soma of the neuron. Hes still trying to take over the country. Hes desperate to steal the money back america was stealing from the world. Their entire economy was theft they mascaraded as banking. The uk governments letting them torture me hoping ill die to cover up what theyve personally done. Damion
the art of more help please
Could you send in some reinforcements to a games developer in my conscious engine. We like each other so the cia are trying to 'dead head' her. Some help elwould be apreciated. She made art of war legions. Her and her family need help. Damion
Friday, 15 May 2020
Do not ignore space affairs
Ive found out some evil for want of a better word aliens are building a dyson sphere in one of the centari systems, they need temporal net to do it, its just in range. The americans are involved, this tells me its some kind of nasty greedy plan of trumps probably. The system used to belong to some short white aliens, until america attacked their colony and they abandoned it. Ive just been told by them it was their outpost for defending earth, these aliens are a good race, i think belonging to a group called 'the Allience'. I really think we need to start getting the truth out. We need to act, we need a voice for our race and we need to fix things. Damion
Thursday, 14 May 2020
america and trump torturing me
They are giving me fits n torturing me on the lead up to the court case. Its on the 26th of may. D
Thursday, 7 May 2020
inside outer space
Ive got a lot to explain. Ive found out some hard to explain things about our universe. Its my birthday today,ill explain tomorrow. Im a bit worn down from torture..for now... songs that go with my blog Damion
Saturday, 25 April 2020
banking to the side (lets do it)!
America is in a bad way finantialy. I worked something out to fix this and a lot more. Trump is using the same tactic on America he was using on the world. its him and the 1% of the 1%, the banker friends of Trump. He's basically stealing all the resources, if all the money trump and his buddies have stolen was distributed fairly around America the economy would be fine. America needs to reclaim it's assests. It's trump and his system of mind control, manipulation, murder,human experimentation and theft being applied on America like he did to the world. He will be using the same system on an even smaller scale within his networks. Hes gone psychopathuc stealing autustic nets to try be nore intelligent so he will make and repeat systems with no thought for moraliry ive noted in this case. Trump and his banker buddies need to go. It's not the big companies I think, Trumps evil needs to end... America needs a revolution! come on guys the world would be behind u...Damion
covid 19 update- patient zero and a cure
sorry ive not been about, i got cut off from online because the shops ate all closed due to the covid 19 virus. it seems like the virus i was infected with 6 or so months ago, it was a designer virus that came from Trump ultimately. for two nights i was having to wake up every hour to cough and cough to be able to clear my lungs to breath. i suggest a menthol vapor or something similar to disolve the mucus that builds up, this is what nearly killed me, thats if i was patient zero. The chienese were having acsess to my room and me for experuments at rhe time and so were people from london. i think i was treat after two days of surviving this damn virus with my D-locker drug. the one i designed as a cure for hiv. It works on the virus, ive even improved it if necessary making it into a H shape or longer and shorter on the sides to hit new dna with the proteins. we need mass treatment to take place, too many people are dying from this virus. ill post another picture of the D Locker- a cure for the virus. we need to act...Damion
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
It’s Judge-mental
the queens had someone try kill me, he hired one of his goons in Hull. They poisoned me. I feel ill but people are trying to help. The queens set thiscourt case up. Problems from hull eh...buisnuss as usual...Damion
Monday, 16 March 2020
Putins potential mind control empire
We need to move against a new mind control society forming. Russia’s President Putin is trying to form a new mind control society and has tried to kidnap me. He’s openly stated he wants me in Russia. This would be bad. It would be bad mind controllers getting hold of me in person for a few reasons. Trump is weak, his world wide spy network he had in place is gone, Russia’s unprepared because the situation has only recently changed and has made the mistake of letting us know it wants to take over with mind controlling either a good part of or all the world. I’m under the impression Putin is concerned he has made mistakes that would alienate his people. Im worried about A negative influence, claws getting into societies that could be hard to remove, nows the best time for us freedom advocates to strike. Let’s get this in the press. Damion
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Trump is desperate
hes still torturing me and trying to get out of his situation....he needs to go. Damion
We need to move
We need to make sure a new mind control society doesn’t begin with the fall of Trumps. We need to get it out in the press about the hypnosis, we need it to express concern about how the hypnosis could be misused to control people and it’s potential detrimental side while explaining all the good it can do, the cures for illnesses etc. We should all maybe encourage options for America, I think it’s realising how much Trump was controlling them as well as the world. Options like working together getting the truth out and adapting our societies.
Russia is here in my mind again, I’m worried about this. Russia and president Putin used to be all for me but recently President Putin seems to have changed.
I think everything we face can be solved by getting this all in the public eye.
America’s been sly
Russia is here in my mind again, I’m worried about this. Russia and president Putin used to be all for me but recently President Putin seems to have changed.
I think everything we face can be solved by getting this all in the public eye.
America’s been sly
Friday, 13 March 2020
Today’s the day we Did it...
We did it, Trumps mind control society has fallen. I’ve had a right week, my mind has been a war zone, it’s been the battle of Bridlington in my mind lol. A lot has happened, I’ve fought like anything.
The CIA tried bullying everyone, that is the countries it was controlling, they fought back and because Trump can’t fund his army around the world the bad guys army they were using to control the world crumbled. I think it was more Trumps peopsonal spy/murder network as well as the CIA. So...We’ve done it, Trumps mind control society can’t function. They can’t murder us freedom fighters as easily now for fighting so its a big window for us all.
Things have changed now.... Things should go in the press now...it’s much better for all of us, we can protect human rights, uses the new cures and utilise the new technology and more. My big plan to turn this mind control society on its head and turn spur on a golden age can start to happen. But there are some complicated issues that have arisen.
Before I do a post on the complicated matter....Let’s just enjoy the moment. We fought for this...A lot of people have fought, even died for this... to give us a chance. I want to say thank you to everyone who’s helped and supported in this, i want a lot of people to get medals and honours for what they have done some day (I’m thinking of people like my shrinks in the Phoenix net from GCHQ and Tiberius and loads of others). it’s made a big difference to everything... So... All in all people....We’re awesome^^ we did it!
Damion Cappleman of the Phoenix net
Songs that go with my blog and make you want to boogie^^
P.s Let’s enjoy the moment...
The CIA tried bullying everyone, that is the countries it was controlling, they fought back and because Trump can’t fund his army around the world the bad guys army they were using to control the world crumbled. I think it was more Trumps peopsonal spy/murder network as well as the CIA. So...We’ve done it, Trumps mind control society can’t function. They can’t murder us freedom fighters as easily now for fighting so its a big window for us all.
Things have changed now.... Things should go in the press now...it’s much better for all of us, we can protect human rights, uses the new cures and utilise the new technology and more. My big plan to turn this mind control society on its head and turn spur on a golden age can start to happen. But there are some complicated issues that have arisen.
Before I do a post on the complicated matter....Let’s just enjoy the moment. We fought for this...A lot of people have fought, even died for this... to give us a chance. I want to say thank you to everyone who’s helped and supported in this, i want a lot of people to get medals and honours for what they have done some day (I’m thinking of people like my shrinks in the Phoenix net from GCHQ and Tiberius and loads of others). it’s made a big difference to everything... So... All in all people....We’re awesome^^ we did it!
Damion Cappleman of the Phoenix net
Songs that go with my blog and make you want to boogie^^
P.s Let’s enjoy the moment...
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
Turns out they really dont have any money
The mind control society in America has collapsed, it cant fund its overseas network. The world realized Trumps resources were all overseas, he got taxed out of his trynanny. Get it on^^ /grins. I'm hoping they simply get rid of Trump and we get a good president... Someone to undo what has been done.
Be careful, Russia is moving on this. Putin has tried to kill me today, im lucky to be alive. They had control over the Prime Minister, he was acting all different but refusing to help me. hes better now i feel. I have Russian agents in my mind, they are moving on the UK and other countries. everyone do a check to see if Putin is trying to take over networks in their country. He seems to be like Trump, perhaps crazy from trying to be as intelligent as possible. I dont see why they are doing this. I know the Russia people are a good people, some of them even expressed concerns over this situation (of Putin attacking me). We NEED this out in the press or the seeds of it at least...world elections, thats what we need, a fresh start. Damion
Be careful, Russia is moving on this. Putin has tried to kill me today, im lucky to be alive. They had control over the Prime Minister, he was acting all different but refusing to help me. hes better now i feel. I have Russian agents in my mind, they are moving on the UK and other countries. everyone do a check to see if Putin is trying to take over networks in their country. He seems to be like Trump, perhaps crazy from trying to be as intelligent as possible. I dont see why they are doing this. I know the Russia people are a good people, some of them even expressed concerns over this situation (of Putin attacking me). We NEED this out in the press or the seeds of it at least...world elections, thats what we need, a fresh start. Damion
Monday, 2 March 2020
Free the emperor of China
I just hacked that Trump and the CIA kidnapped the emperor of China some time ago, it makes sense about this guy pretending to be the emperor kept attacking me and the people of China. The real emperor is in a military base in the USA. He’s in a way but is alive. He must be freed. My thoughts go out to the Chinese over this. This should be the end of Trump, it’s about time too. He’s done that much evil. I think we should simply use these evil deeds against him...Damion
Sunday, 1 March 2020
I just want a free world
im needing to think a bit. I know it’s Trumps mind control society, im hoping Putin turns against Trump rather than working with him. Us good guys offer a better, happier more prosperous world...D
Vladimir Putins genocide
Putins having some Russian agents abuse me while I’m trying to go to sleep so I’m hacking them. He’s killed a lot of my children, a genocide like trumps, it’s a lot in Russia. He’s in with trump believe it or not in some kind of way. he frequents an orphanage regularly to abuse some of my children, he’s raped 28 of them I’ve found. That’s the start of my hacking. Maybe they’ll let me get some sleep now. D
Vladimir Putin the president of Russia had his agents fire a bug into my body because of what I posted about, they got me walking through town, it’s all to do with him wanting a lot of the money I’ve made. They triggered 5e bug when I got into bed tonight. I couldn’t sleep for over an hour and got up feeling horrid with a blob of some frequency in the core of my brain. It obviously in to torture and damage me. I told mi6 to look on the low FQ, to look for the hidden FQ. I know the Russians have invested a lot in tech like this. The bug was pulsing at a damaging frequency, it was tuned in to a world wide frequency that’s damaging all of our brains mi6 said, they say the bad guys are protecting their own but using this on the world to give the,selves an advantage. Mi6 say this ends Putin, that this bug and everything is proof. It seems like he’s gone mad trying to be as intelligent and powerful as possible. I can fix mental illnesses but I can’t fix them when people simply wont listen. An important point to note everyone- radio wave weapons scare me, please don’t develop them but please do develop defences like clever near field controllers or the like, we need defences against tech like this. I’m hopeful this world wide brain damage frequency is offline now. Damion
Saturday, 29 February 2020
Everyone launch!
if you have a plan or resources I suggest you launch it now. Spread the word...Chaos is going on in the mind control society, we can capitalise on this. Even doing small things to distract and hassle them would help like using temporal net, spreading useful information, growing the amount of people in the know etc if you can’t do anything else.
Lots more people in Britain know about all this as from yesterday; I got tired of the mind controllers holding back my work and letting people die so I healed everyone without the hypnosis who wanted healing. The people of Great Britain want our society free. A lot is going on. We need to get everything in daylight. I say we all rally at the BBC headquarters and win them over into doing broadcasts to let people know what’s happening. Saying about the hypnosis and people have tried to take us over with it. That’s if we can’t smoothly get the basics in the media and build on it I.e the cure for cancer, warp drive and telepathy leading to more coming out. I want to get involved in all this, I really want people coming to my door to this ends. It would feel like the cavalry arriving. I can’t wait. I’m here if you need me. Let’s do it! Damion
Lots more people in Britain know about all this as from yesterday; I got tired of the mind controllers holding back my work and letting people die so I healed everyone without the hypnosis who wanted healing. The people of Great Britain want our society free. A lot is going on. We need to get everything in daylight. I say we all rally at the BBC headquarters and win them over into doing broadcasts to let people know what’s happening. Saying about the hypnosis and people have tried to take us over with it. That’s if we can’t smoothly get the basics in the media and build on it I.e the cure for cancer, warp drive and telepathy leading to more coming out. I want to get involved in all this, I really want people coming to my door to this ends. It would feel like the cavalry arriving. I can’t wait. I’m here if you need me. Let’s do it! Damion
Friday, 28 February 2020
Vladimir Putin isn’t happy
He’s got his agents using the hypnosis at range on me, it seems he wants a mind control society in place in Russia and doesn’t want it to come out. He’s tried to kill me. We need a free world, he wants to be part of some elite ruling the planet from the shadows. I believe more in freedom and democracy, it’s obviously the way to a better future. They did brain surgery on me last night to damage my abilities. He public in the uk said outright they want an end to Eaton picking the prime ministers of our country, I never knew this was the case. The public want a complete change of faces in out countries running. Is this why I’m getting attacked still? Why is government not stopping this abuse, I’ve completely bailed out our economy with my there is no money idea, did I mention everyone taxed all the money back from America. I’m in recovery from the brain operation, I’ll post again tomorrow. If anyone can help stop this happening please help. I just want to say, hats off to you guys in China, things are already getting better there I’ve been told. :-) D
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Its in the press in China, a lot has happened.... They rebelled after meeting me, we worked together on it. its involved a few fights with the mind but im ok. The Chinese people are ace! Russian agents tried to kill me in Bridlington yesterday though, they were using EM weapons on me as well. i guess because it cant be kept secret now. im worried Trump and the Russian president Vladimir Putin are working together. He i need to find out more to be sure, what i do know is he doesn't like the fact im untitled to some of the money i have made, he doesn't like me being popular i think. I've only asked for a small % of the money I've made, it makes me worry. i just want to work to benefit my my planet. id like every country that wants a say in my work to get together and form a council of sorts and get votes dependent of size of land mass, economy and population,...I'd like to work for them.... This is ace...Im smiling... Things are better than ever....Everyone..Lets do it. Damion
Saturday, 22 February 2020
This is ace!
The world has taken back a lot of its resources. The world worked out from my post ' there is no money', there is only resources really, they also worked out these resources are in their countries and not under Trumps control...so everyone's gone got there stuff. Am really sleepy, find it hard to write so will keep my post short... Just wanted to let you know...The world is rebelling...This IS ace...D (p.s, I'll explain about the one liner...someday...D)
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
I need to put down some kind of one liner...
Sunday, 16 February 2020
There is no money
I'm world economics there isn't really any money, money is just a reflection of how many resources we have as a planet. Trump has been doing things like selling money around in circles in america. Bankers are stealing 90% of what we make one of my sourses told me. This needs to end. Damion
Saturday, 15 February 2020
Important info- non hypnotics are harder to mind control
a lot of people have been given the hypnosis now. I talked to them all, there’s a lot of them. They were all ready to protest and strike and everything, the mind controllers are chipping away at them with mind control from temporal net and the like. I’m worried. I think we may have to rely on getting a lot of non hypnotics knowing all at once and getting protests and strikes going. Non hypnotics are not as susceptible to this mass mind control, we should use this. I can take the hypnotic world but I need help, they get me while I sleep. We can do this. I need support though, we need to unite. Come on guys let’s get networking and planning big protests and big ways to get people in the know. Please let people know they should not learn the hypnosis, they should fight first. Damion
Friday, 14 February 2020
I got a message or two out (with telepathy)
two days ago I tried getting a message out to everyone using telepathy, everyone on the planet. People heard me! I told them about the mind control society etc and that it needs to be in the press. They keep chopping bits out of my brain though, come on guys I need help. We need this in the press. The people of Britain are fighting, we need to join forces and end trumps mind control society. Come on guys! D
Saturday, 1 February 2020
the turn of the milenia
The American people came in yesterday to get to know me a bit they said, they said they wanted trump to stop torturing me and basically they liked me and they’d been lied to. Trump went behind their back and got the Chinese in to abuse me for a few hours then the CIA were back, they did more surgery on me last night. The Americans have tried this before, coming across as the good guys just before they try to kill me. Everyone with the hypnosis suffers from memory damage due to them damaging me, it shows they want to try make out they are the big good guys in this unless...which I hope I am, they do get rid of the CIA and trump before they murder me, I think they plan is to do it at the same time or after they murder me.
Last night they chopped a chunk out of my brain, my healing abilities have held. I’ve basically got good eneough with healing to create energy, it’s keeping me alive... Its getting bad though. I need help now if people are thinking of it. Britain is newly out of the Uropean Union, I don’t know how that effects this, it’s been suggested to me it does and could lead to them murdering me.
There’s so much I need to tell you guys, with regards to all of this, I’m just not sure how to explain...i should do it over time and explain it in the right order I think. It’s a lot to take on. Mores at stake than any of us realise, I’ve tried to get it across on my blog, our future and a lot more is at stake... These abilities have been here before, I’m the seventh person who can see through time. The alilities have turned up at the turn of the milenium for the past six thousand years. I know who the others are, I’m just worried about putting it down...I’ll think about it. There teachings are more important today than ever, I think they were trying to help us avoid something bad to to get to a good future. I’m going to have a think about my next post...I just feel I should put some things down just in case. Damion
Last night they chopped a chunk out of my brain, my healing abilities have held. I’ve basically got good eneough with healing to create energy, it’s keeping me alive... Its getting bad though. I need help now if people are thinking of it. Britain is newly out of the Uropean Union, I don’t know how that effects this, it’s been suggested to me it does and could lead to them murdering me.
There’s so much I need to tell you guys, with regards to all of this, I’m just not sure how to explain...i should do it over time and explain it in the right order I think. It’s a lot to take on. Mores at stake than any of us realise, I’ve tried to get it across on my blog, our future and a lot more is at stake... These abilities have been here before, I’m the seventh person who can see through time. The alilities have turned up at the turn of the milenium for the past six thousand years. I know who the others are, I’m just worried about putting it down...I’ll think about it. There teachings are more important today than ever, I think they were trying to help us avoid something bad to to get to a good future. I’m going to have a think about my next post...I just feel I should put some things down just in case. Damion
Friday, 31 January 2020
Trump is getting China to attack me
China is attacking me now, the American people told trump to stop atacking me so he went behind their back. Damion
Last night I should have died...
The British military scientist came in my room again last night. He injected iodine into my frontal lobes. I don’t know this has happened at the time, I sit in my chair and he gloats about how iodine can kill the bits of my brain he has stolen, my frontal lobes then turn black, I realise what has happened. I try think of what to do, I try using my abilities....youlll have to read my book to find what happened next and how I’m here typing this... to do my book I’ll need to get out of this situation... and to do that I’m going to need help....So.......let’s get to it, I need you guys to network, the mind control society has lost a lot of its money buying people and I guess governments off, it’s a lot weaker. I say they should turn on Trump as hell probably want to and probably has stolen the money back, turn on him ppl. Let’s get networking, let’s get going. Damionu
P.s he’s also running around trumping to steal everything because of the loss of resources, the mind control society can cope wi5h this to quote an mi6 agent. Let’s kick their ass...
P.s he’s also running around trumping to steal everything because of the loss of resources, the mind control society can cope wi5h this to quote an mi6 agent. Let’s kick their ass...
Thursday, 30 January 2020
The Conservatives and army scientists ataking me
The Prime Minister Borris got his military scientists to do brain surgery on me. they sliced off a cm thick section from the front of the right frontal lobe and transplanted it onto someone else,our minds are connected, its awful. my head hurts. the military scientist- 60's grey short messy hair, short, i think wears glasses. he said its theoretically possible to do this type of transplant. he works at a big castle type institute torturing autistics doing Britains nazi research. sick cunts. im in a way but i need this removing from this guy, hes on a plane to america i think. we need to rebell, take up any slack you can guys. Damion
songs that go with my blog
songs that go with my blog
Wednesday, 29 January 2020
we wont stop fighting....
mnore and more people are fighhting the Trump regieme in Britain. Trump and the CIA are attacking the freedom fighters; our population rising up. They are attacking me a lot trying to do last minuite dammage. lets end this quickly. remember- mi6 is only 4000 strong. Damion
Monday, 27 January 2020
coventry uprising
the people of coventry are rising up, they are organised, they even have a call center. can people network with them and provide support, thery have liberated even more of the world, in fact theyve destroyed the american empire, theres little left of it. the Americans will do whatever they can to get control of Britain, Bridlington and me. thery are using my abilities after all and are trying to slow me down fighting them. can we have support, its over if we want it to be...Damion
p.s the people of Coventry are ace!
p.s the people of Coventry are ace!
Friday, 24 January 2020
All the Songs that go with my blog...
Heres a recap of 'songs that go with my blog'- (top=latest in appearance)
Sia- titainium
Iron maiden— a different world
Green day- American idiot
Conner maynard- starships
Bob Dylan- the times they are a changin
My chemical romance- the end and dead
vera lynn- we'll meet again
Example- we found love
Meatloaf- the future ain’t what it used to be
the suicide machines- the end of the world
Meatloaf- monstro and alive
holy light of demons- ash tribute
Meatloaf- I’d lie for you
R.E.M.- bad day
Stone roses- she bangs the drums
sting and the police- message in a bottle
The farm- All together now
aerosmith- i dont wana miss a thing
Ellie Goulding- burn
Pink- just like a pill
Sia- titainium
Iron maiden— a different world
Green day- American idiot
Conner maynard- starships
Bob Dylan- the times they are a changin
My chemical romance- the end and dead
vera lynn- we'll meet again
Example- we found love
Meatloaf- the future ain’t what it used to be
the suicide machines- the end of the world
Meatloaf- monstro and alive
holy light of demons- ash tribute
Meatloaf- I’d lie for you
R.E.M.- bad day
Stone roses- she bangs the drums
sting and the police- message in a bottle
The farm- All together now
aerosmith- i dont wana miss a thing
Ellie Goulding- burn
Pink- just like a pill
Friday, 17 January 2020
I’ve Court up
My court case has been moved to Monday. I’m a bit worried, illl explain more when I can. Let’s get doing what we can guys. The mind control society is in a bad way. I’ll post more soon. D
Sunday, 5 January 2020
Hack request- Trumps Treasure and Trumps pryamid schemes all over the place
Can hackers get this info from temporal nets around the place- I’ve found Trump uses pryamdid schemes evil as they are. Can we find out a list of old collapsed schemes dating to the ones which are going to collapse soon to the ones he’s setting up in the future to collapse. Can we then look at what this effects. Is he collapsing these pyramids to capitalise on the collapse somehow.
Trump will be trying to steal/stock the most valuable/best source of revenue to us and others spieces from all of this, something he could keep secret easily, probably in alpha centuries. He is stealing humanities resources and future potential, it’s in our interests we find out what Trumps Treasure is and where it is. Perhaps getting probable scans of the ships gone to centari. Damion
Trump will be trying to steal/stock the most valuable/best source of revenue to us and others spieces from all of this, something he could keep secret easily, probably in alpha centuries. He is stealing humanities resources and future potential, it’s in our interests we find out what Trumps Treasure is and where it is. Perhaps getting probable scans of the ships gone to centari. Damion
‘The Free Thousand’ of Great Britain
Just a reminder there are 1,000 people going through shadow experiments to the ones done on me. They try to keep it at the 0.1% ratio for their results. We are spread out over the UK. We are in different towns/areas, they don’t have two of us together as we could help each other. I worry about the others, we’ve been through so much.
I want us to meet us survivors of the invisible war some day, when it’s over, maybe share story’s and coping tactics. I’ve just decided tonight, I’m personally doing away with the term T.I or targeted individual and using the term ‘Freedom Fighter’ for myself, it’s what we have to be. We don’t have a choice.
I want to ask all my readers a favour, if you can; look in on one of ‘the Thousand’ with hypnosis if you have it or an email or something and ask if thy are ok, if you can get in touch, maybe circulate a bit of their information they want circulating to help them. I imagine you can hear some stories from us as a group, we have hard lives with nothing really...But if you have nothing...You have everything to fight for... Damion
I want us to meet us survivors of the invisible war some day, when it’s over, maybe share story’s and coping tactics. I’ve just decided tonight, I’m personally doing away with the term T.I or targeted individual and using the term ‘Freedom Fighter’ for myself, it’s what we have to be. We don’t have a choice.
I want to ask all my readers a favour, if you can; look in on one of ‘the Thousand’ with hypnosis if you have it or an email or something and ask if thy are ok, if you can get in touch, maybe circulate a bit of their information they want circulating to help them. I imagine you can hear some stories from us as a group, we have hard lives with nothing really...But if you have nothing...You have everything to fight for... Damion
Saturday, 4 January 2020
One of trumps buddies torturing me
He’s the head of a business, he personally designed the device that is moving over the top of my brain and stabbing me in different areas of the left frontal lobe. It hurts. I’ve knocked it out of place. I hope it helps. I hope we can track this scum down and try him for his crimes. He’s torturing me and there’s a lot of witnesses on hypnotic line. I think he’s from New York. Damion
No worm
The slow worm is no worm to be found. I’ve had it removed from the left hemisphere of my brain. I feel much better, I can tell it’s been done. They got me in my flat, sometime tonight. It’s hard fighting this when they can just ‘get me under’. They’ve drugged me a lot today, the CIA has been experimenting on me probably in retaliation for the billionaires post last night. It’s a sign it’s going well really. Come on guys, we can do this....let’s get in gear. I’ll post you guys tomorrow.Night Damion
Important update
Trump is using a network of billionaires around the world to put in place more immovable infrastructure, I say we trip em up again. Probably in the countries he had foot holds in before. We should use this against him, there’s a lot of money involved as well I imagine, I’ll think how we can use this to our advantage. Damion
Friday, 3 January 2020
Unnecessary slow worm surgery on my brain
The CIA have put a slow worm in my brain again. They have done two purposefully messed up operations on it, one to take a 1cm square biopsy of the left frontal lobe or middle left of the brain close to the temporal pole. They lost their sample, it died so they have tried again last night, I worke up feeling awful my brain was grey. 5he slow worm is still in there, I really could use it being removed, I’m not sure of Britain’s involvement or stance on this beyond knowing close involvement, us in the Phoenix net recently gave Britain its best chance at retaking the country, I’m still in the dark to the effectiveness of this in regards to us getting a free society again. I hope the slow worm gets removed soon. They’ve been hitting me hard with torture, drugging sand brain surgery, I think bEcause the court case is soon. I’ll write someday more about these goings on, some people have turned up, I’m yet to find if they are to help or hinder though, I hope it’s to help. Say a parader for us good guys. Damion
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