Friday, 3 January 2020

Unnecessary slow worm surgery on my brain

The CIA have put a slow worm in my brain again. They have done two purposefully messed up operations on it, one to take a 1cm square biopsy of the left frontal lobe or middle left of the brain close to the temporal pole. They lost their sample, it died so they have tried again last night, I worke up feeling awful my brain was grey. 5he slow worm is still in there, I really could use it being removed, I’m not sure of Britain’s involvement or stance on this beyond knowing close involvement, us in the Phoenix net recently gave Britain its best chance at retaking the country, I’m still in the dark to the effectiveness of this in regards to us getting a free society again. I hope the slow worm gets removed soon. They’ve been hitting me hard with torture, drugging sand brain surgery, I think bEcause the court case is soon. I’ll write someday more about these goings on, some people have turned up, I’m yet to find if they are to help or hinder though, I hope it’s to help. Say a parader for us good guys. Damion

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