Saturday, 25 April 2020

banking to the side (lets do it)!

America is in a bad way finantialy. I worked something out to fix this and a lot more. Trump is using the same tactic on America he was using on the world. its him and the 1% of the 1%, the banker friends of Trump. He's basically stealing all the resources, if all the money trump and his buddies have stolen was distributed fairly around America the economy would be fine. America needs to reclaim it's assests. It's trump and his system of mind control, manipulation, murder,human experimentation and theft being applied on America like he did to the world. He will be using the same system on an even smaller scale within his networks. Hes gone psychopathuc stealing autustic nets to try be nore intelligent so he will make and repeat systems with no thought for moraliry ive noted in this case. Trump and his banker buddies need to go. It's not the big companies I think, Trumps evil needs to end... America needs a revolution! come on guys the world would be behind u...Damion

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