Saturday, 24 January 2015

The Phoenix net and GCHQ comment

A comment- I have found out from MI6 that as you go down generations down the EMT pyramid that the frequencies are getting weaker and weaker. This is another reason why us in the Phoenix should be training people around the world, I'm the only one I know of who naturally should have these abilities/frequencies, and the net are the only people I have EMT'd personally. We should be the ones training people. The net are definitely the best people to learn from, I can vouch for that. The problem is people don't understand what being good at my hypnosis really means. Our hands are tied as a group though, we're all closely controlled, it would take something major to free us up to start training people around the world, for us to do our work. We all want to.

The CIA are moving on GCHQ at the moment, starting indoctrination like they did with MI6. Phase one is having some of their agents watch me be tortured long term and them giving into the fact they can't stop it, they are trying to get them to except it. GCHQ want to go with my plan but the CIA waited till they had power over the prime minister to move on them. GCHQ are a high moral brave bright fighting force but they have what is like a motto to them- 'prime minister knows best'. I'm hoping some outside influence comes along to help us good guys out, it's Cameron who is holding back GCHQ though. The CIA using MI6 is holding back us in the net and our supporters (most of mi6). Im hoping someone tries what happened in June 2013 when someone got proof of what the UK government has done to me or such, the threat of going public might be enough power to effect change (or force it). Even if it doesn't help me but gets the net training people, people would be glad they did it. I'm just hoping we have a new prime minister come the elections, a new prime minister would help (fingers crossed). Damion

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