I've been continuing my study on the fembrain versus the manbrain (that's the female versus male brain to most people), I have found I quite like this project, I quite like poking fun at the differences between the sexes with my shrinks. This is a theory on feminine adaptation I built on the following information, I heard it in the media a few years ago...
I heard about a study that showed if a girl gets into a fight at school, it has a knock on effect to her intellect, it is actually the equivalent of losing one year off her education. This is my theory on why this is the case...
My Theory-
My theory is it isn't like losing a year from her education, it is the fembrain adapting itself, that it has developed a way to adapt and change itself according to the environment it finds itself in...
a) Dominance adaptation
If the Fembrain finds itself in an aggressive enviroment where taking charge is of benefit, say where a girl is involved in fights, the Fembrain will feel new emotions leading to a more dominant emotional state, this helps the Fembrain take charge in these new conditions. These dominant emotions must effect the Id which is related to permanent memory/change and is the minds way of talking to the body, this leads to somewhat higher amounts of testosterone in the Fembrain, a hormone related to stronger beta and alpha brain waves affiliated more with outer strength. This helps the fembrain to adapt to her environment so she will find it easier to be more dominant, take charge of situations and be more independent from others. In an aggressive environment these traits are more beneficial. So the fight happens, the Fembrain feels new emotions, this effects hormones which effect development and feminine adaptation takes place, this adaptation comes at the cost of her year in education where she leans more about taking charge as a priority and has to adapt to the new pathways from subconscious to conscious in personality.
b) Empathy adaptation
If a female doesn't need to develop these traits especially she will be highly social, friendly and chatty having a strong emotional side, these emotions are related to high amounts of oestrogen, oestrogen is related to strong Theta and Delta waves (associated with inner strength) which are naturally strong in the fembrain, this helps the Fembrain to be highly empathic and to build close relationships. In a non aggressive environment these traits can be more beneficial.
c) Pregnant adaptation
There is one more element I should put down; I've heard about 'pregnant brain' many times, a girl in a local shop about a year ago was telling me about memory loss thanks to her little bump. I then had a conversation with my friend about her pregnancy; she became dyslexic from it, her doctor didn't even believe her. After we looked online about it all we found were comments from mums who got no help. So I started trying to work out the common denominators...
I came to the conclusion the little bump causes an increase in oestrogen, this causes her to have stronger Delta and Theta waves, this encourages her emotional state to be more empathic and more suited to motherhood helping her learn stronger/new emotions preparing her for this. I think how this causes 'pregnant brain' and symptoms like memory loss and dyslexia is due to the change of pathways in the mind from the subconscious to the conscious, just like what happens in losing the years education in feminine adaptation. Information flows up personality and forms pathways but a large increase in oestrogen pushes Delta and Theta waves out of sync creating new unfamiliar pathways in personality. The mind is just pushed a little out of sync, this also happens to some of us autistics, we have a sudden but not permanent loss of skills in early childhood for this same reason, a big jump in frequency. The change in pathways means a change in memory recall associated with the Theta dominant occipital lobe. With dyslexia Theta waves are connected strongly to vision, it's alpha waves that are connected to symbols. In the example of my friend with pregnancy related dyslexia communication between Theta and Alpha waves (vision and symbol recognition) was disrupted from the creation of these new pathways up personality/between lobes causing her dyslexia.
d) Conclusion
So with feminine adaptation I think it boils down to certain thoughts/events effect our emotions strongly, these effect our Id, our Id can effect hormones levels which can effect neurotransmitters levels leading to adaptation.That's my theory on this one.
This adaptability in the fembrain is similar to an adaptation in crocodiles; they are such good survivors because in hard times more females leading to producing more offspring are born and in good times more males are born, this has helped crocodiles survive since the time of the dinasaurs. The fembrain has also taken on this ability to adapt itself to its environment to its own advantage.
This mechanism I'm sure is an adaptation of both sexes, I have noticed it seems to stand out much more in the Fembrain rather than the Manbrain though, maybe due to the females higher average Id rate. I also think in males and females this mechanism will influence results of brain sex. I think this term may have to be changed as brain sex is dictated by structural differences (like the multiple twists in the female super ego leading to multitasking abilities).
I hope you have enjoyed my latest work on the Fembrain and the Manbrain. Ok, My next post my girly readers will like will be on at some point in the not too distant future, it is titled...
'Multi tasking, matriarchs and sniper rifles'.
Merry Christmas to you all
Damion :-)
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