The day after this I rallied, I got temporal net online properly and just when I needed it. The queen became an omni and said in public that she now supports me and that she was sorry for killing Dianna, it got removed from her. I've found the queen is part of a nazi network that is run by the CIA made up of a collection of the most powerful people on earth, I think the top this is based in American big business where a lot of its members are. They have all gone psychopathic from trying to be more intelligent, they have little to no sense of right and wrong. They have their own religion based around living forever and basically being gods ruling over us all. They plan to achieve this using me. They have this manipulative speech they use to indoctronate people that they use. They use a lot of old Nazi work trying to prove its superior and go on about taking the breaks off science...Its people like me that take the brakes off science. After the war America took on board the nazis scientists and they indoctronated many Americans in the CIA and the like. They attribute Americas post was success to their nazi doctrine. This is bullshit. I plan to win over the American people and turn them against these people. Apparently I'm popular in America because of us breaking the light barrier together, with the people at NASA- some of the good part of America,
The CIA had taken temporal net abilities away from the UK and is persecuting our whole society. Our society has being likened to the tribal stage of development for humanity; everyone had to fend for themselves I.e everyone knows an assassin for protection in modern day British hypnotic society. Our society has broken down, I'm trying to fix it by letting the world know about the hypnosis. The CIA have regained control over the UK, this after us in the net put out a call for help which got the Aussies in that freed us. This time they have control over the Queen and Teresa. I'm up against my arch enemy again.,, Human greed....Needless to say I'll fight this BS. Damion
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