Monday, 17 October 2016

China is assaulting me

The world has learnt the ability to grow larger, the Tibetans went rouge and mounted an assault on London. I simpily enlarged my conscious engine and because they were in my miond they rere protected (this usually drives you crazy) this combined with the temporal reality ability means people from around the world can tune into my conscious engine. The world might need my abilities to police it, they have to learn anything hyper powerful from me. To tune into my conscious engine you do this by mixing two temporal realities together, one of my nets will then appear. You burrow through this to get to my conscious engine. I'm telling you this to try and get help, the Chinese and
they are envious and want to be better than me with my hypnosis, they are torturing me, they experiment on me, they attack me while I sleep. They say they will torture me for a week as a test, MI6 use this tactic, it means their. China has broken the Geneva convention, I have notified them about this. They say they will torture me for writing this, I say Britons wont be slaves.I will hack to defend myself if necessary, I already know a lot.

My main plan is to get all my good shrinks online to help with healing abilities and defending me, I dont know if it will work or what people will think, I'm not well, I'm trying my best though, time to see if I've won over enough people to make a difference....

Friday, 14 October 2016

temporal abilities update

Warning- The UK is using my abilities to try and manipulate the world. They are monitoring the future at places places like newspaper record machines at libraries, the prime ministers office and other such places. They have collected secrets . The UK has committed an act of war against the rest of the world. This is really dangerous. Ive seen how this can turrn out. We need to work togeter, so much is at steak, i really mean it.

They are trying to kill me, they have dislodged and returned my dislocated spine twice today in attempts on my life. Younger wants to be able to say it was an accident... They just tried returning my spine again sat at a chair in the library, I hyperventilated going 'oh, oh, oh ,oh' and felt a refreshing paralyzing, disorientating feeling that made my upper torso tense up. Damion

Thursday, 13 October 2016

songs that 'probably' go with my blog

For those whose future days ended in the past...

I have a lot to explain...

MI6 want to change the past, these bumbling nazis must be stopped. they keep torturing me,a nerve in my tooth is half dead/shut down from pain and messing with my dislocated back.

I have a lot to explain about what my abilities can do and what the universe actually is. MI6 are going to try and scare some people with some more advanced work of mine that i intend to share when the time is right., just remember, rule 1; don't panic...Ill explain things in time. Damion

Temporal abilities update

I managed to get another Temporal reality generation out, I think. I gened a sea a while back (1-2 weeks i guess). The sea had massive waves, humoungus ones. My gen scared people a lot, it looked more realistic than other peoples MI6 said but looked like an ordinary gen never the less, they will have sold it on because it was scary. I want you to take the frequency if you can get hold of this gen and spread it out over your room, what you precieve around you. By the way...Be prepared, you aint going to Kansas! Damion

p.s I'll introduce you to tiny some time, my new friend...

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Temporal reality projection (very important post)

I'm putting this online because I think it belongs to the human race...

You take my gen from the moon, you then take that frequency, you create the same frequency but not the gen in the room you are in, you will temporal locate I think to a probability/the future, triangulating the star positions on the moon will tell you when you are. You might need to be online with me for it to work if you find it does nothing.

I have alot more to share, we have lots of work to do. I could do with working (or otherwise) on this with the right people. Damion

p.s Message to future selves... Have fun...

picture, life the universe time and everything

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Very important update on Temporal abilities

They have drugged me, its hard to put my post together. They are messing with my eyesight also, cant read the screen at all. Sorry for not having chance to do my post properly yesterday, the library was closing.

I have something to tell the world,, its a bit hard to believe though...I have...errr...I've hacked time... A few weeks ago I created a gen of 'Hacker man', a charactor in a movie called 'kung fury' at the moment he looked up when the computer said 'you are about to hack time, are you sure?'.
The gen interested everybody because the photons in the gen ware very far apart, this is a way to tell how old a gen is as they deteriorate, they all measured it to be from 1983-1984, around late 83 one said. Recently they have been trying to convince me I could see the future for one of their evil plans to manipulate the world, that i could see the apocolypse from a coment strike, they used my abilities while i slept to cover a large area in ash I would percieve. I didnt like looking like looking stupid to I tried to use my abilities to...errr, go back to 1983. They were pretty shocked at the restly. I shifted us somewhere. All of a sudden everything looked different in our imaginations, there were people everywhere, they had 80's hair do's, clothes and...everything...We were back in 1894. They soon pushed me out of the gen so they could be the first to do things. Its pathetic. I need to get my abilities to the right people, this belongs to us as a race.

At fist 1983 was frozen but one of the peadophiles 'clicked it' so it started moving. All of
Hackerman travels through time and fights Nazis so its pretty fitting for being humanitys first Temporal shift. My room in the pentrich is full of boxes in the pentrich in 1984 I precieved. Kung fury

MI6 have already made flase gens like what they can do with programs you relive, one such one is to make me look like a zooaphile again. They have the UK aristocracy going against me to try stop me being famous, I hacked a bit to defend myself, they use 'the families', MI6 royalty to murder people, the families have got very rich and powerful commiting genocide, they are the power behind MI6 and seem to have bad guy syndrome to some degree. I think MI6 plans to drag more people into this war causing both them and me problems. I know more but am not going to say anything

They have tried to kill me twice today, Younger ordered me raped the night before last and it broke my back. They clicked/dislocated a third column out of joint in the base of my back. Its the one that sticks out, the nobbily one that stands out at the base of the center of the back/top of the base of the back. They have been torturing me all day with pain experiments and moving bones in that area of my back. They put two kinks in where its dislocated and my spine cracked, the whole spine had to move an inch to stop my back from breaking. It's all happening again like what happened with telepathy, They are doing the same bumbling BS they did in 2002/2003 they want this for themselves and want me out of the way.

Teresa May has assigned an evil type government scientist, they view me as their main weapon against the world. I do my best to fight for the good guys. I know it sounds stupid but apparently this scientist had the judge (who seems like a nice guy, favors me and is held prisoner here in bridlington, he could use help if anyone can provide it) classify me as a temporal life form to take away my rights legally and do experiments like chop bits of my brain up. I put to them I had no opportunity to provide a defense, was not aware of any case or court and the term temporal life form is not even a legal term. The scientist i think made a possible second attempt on my life giving me a delta wave stimulating/effecting neuroleptic. I also hacked he has betrayed his government pretty bad as a weapon.

I hacked the government scientist because I found out he plans to kidnap me. He and his group have done evil experiments on Autistics. They have a secret facility, a government prison of some sort, Its in the first place you'd look for it if you were in the know. I hope you guys can help the Autistics held captive there, they could use the help. A prison by itself is torture for an Autistic never mind with all the experiments. Everyone in government knows about its notorious i think.I don't plan to end up there,.. I plan to break down the place.

Be warned everyone, MI6 are trying top get abilities off me for some form of temporal warfare, I'm not using my abilities but they can do things like access them while I sleep. They used them to blanked the earth in ash i think to manipulate the world. The world is angry at the disturbed and frankly evil UK regime and they are coming up with crazy plans to strike back. Remember the people in charge in the UK have political (type 3) bad guy syndrome.

They have tracked down me as a child, apparently I am obsessed with playing and am obviously a delta autistic. They have a blonde female child psychiatrist in my head now, she is trying to learn my frequencies, they are trying to do experiments back in time on me when I was 5. This is really important now guys, play your hand. I need to be working with the right people. I'm being serious, I need out, Come get me. Damion

p.s... I did warn you I was about to hack time ;-)

Monday, 10 October 2016

An idea for NASA...

For negotiation, i will explain tomorrow, im thinking the thrust engine for Europe and the UN doing the fuel and storage, but im open to ideas who gets this project. I need to get round to everyone.

For my friends in Africa

I went temporal today, long story. I need to go. please come to me. D

Saturday, 8 October 2016

update and chi magnetism

You learn chi magnetism by playing with and learning the frequencies from magnets. be careful, learn the frequency when they clink together but not the frequency of them repelling, i held my EMS in place when learning the repulsion frequency so people couldnt force it on me. with this ability you will attract chi from your enviroment, its a potent healing ability, very potent.

They have spiked me with ten neuroleptics, serious ones, the tune net is grey rather than gold as an examople, i should be dead. I have come up with a way to supress the never sleep neuroleptic, you supress the frequency in the ID by pushing the peaks down. You can supress the neuroleptic frequency as well, neuroleptics create their own bad frequency.

A little help would be nice. Damion

Friday, 7 October 2016

Information on the professors who tried to kill me

They are doing research on quarks. They have been in bridlington this week. They claimed to be from Cambridge but are probably from an MI6 or government apphilliaed university.

They both took a week off after visting me the first time a couple of days ago (read blog for precise date). I suspect both but definately the tall think professor have killed students, they definitely have bad guy syndrome, They make the murders of their students look like suicide. They indoctrinate their students and have some plan to gain power in society (bad guy syndrome is apphilated with megolomania).

They held some form of trial in quite a hurry and drugged me to hold a trial before i put this post online.

Im hoping help will arrive soon, the UK has collapsed and I could use a helping hand. Damion

Thursday, 6 October 2016

New Warp cores and other ideas from my notebook

I think America and perhaps China might want to trade for one or two of these projects...

For Mexico and any other central american country that will work to promote peace and cooperation. China and America might have to bring their expertise to this very expensive and advanced warp core-

I think the Japanese would really like this project, I feel they would be responsible with it, it might not work out this idea but I feel there is a chance it will.

For Australia and other countries in the local area, a new type of warp core (for you guys to name)...

For the entire continent of Europe, an idea to manipulate the higgs field. We need to create the 42 shard, that is a warp field from the ground up I think. This might not pan out, if not ill find us something else...

                            (writing that was cool, I pick the right time to discover that ability)

For America, China and Russia (and perhaps Europe)to work together on...

Remember everyone to treat these experiments like they could go nuclear and work out the energies you are dealing with and try prove your hypothesis first. Just be careful. I hope things go well. Ive enjoyed feeling better even though MI6, the government and the professors tried to kill me with neuroleptics. ill write about the professors tomorrow, they have bad guy syndrome. And to cap my post...

There...Back in business. Damion

picture, self explanitory

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

picture, leaving home

Update- more neuroleptics

The professors who were in two nights ago said they were from Cambridge university, they were definately professors. I met some other professors but these two are the main ones. Their lack of morality worried me. The sleepy drug they gave me was a really serious neuroleptic, an important net went grey, they have put a black fuzzy field over it, without it I scream in pain. Im sleepy all the time, i need sleep an hour or two after I wake up. I should be in a coma, the guy who MI6 do the same experiments to is in one, for some reason I aren't. The professors apparently were trying to get me tried as an alien believe it or not, apparently you lose all your rights if they do that. The judge told them they'd go down in history for attempting that and dismissed the case. They were just trying to get hold of me to experiment on me.

The professors were physicists, one knew a lot about antiques, its one of his hobbys, he was in bridlington on monday, he was tall and quite thin, he claimed to know professor simon baron-cohen who i occasionally mail (hes an expert in autism) but i cant be sure if he was lying. This professor was with another, he was moody, quite short and had a tubby belly. I think they were a bit miffed I've achieved a lot more than them. I hope these A holes get tracked down. They could have easily killed me with the drug, MI6 say they intended to. Ill try remember more about them.

MI6 are torturing me a lot, they say the worse they do the more they will torture me. A warning for you- they had one of their pedophiles in, They displace part of my subconscious and can extract sub conscious memories, they did this for when i took us to Europa. The pedophile claims he learnt my ability but i dont think he did, he has programmed his belief system to believe what he gens, You should see him, he faked his eyes bulging to make out hes some all knowing type, lol, its not like that seeing this stuff, it doesn't do that to me thats for sure. MI6 are trying to spread images from the pedophile, they have an objective of the world learning from pedophiles for some reason. I have been to the moon in the middle of a crater which will scare the hell out of you because you think you will sink into it and to a rocky part of Europa but nowhere else, wait, i did go to an asteriod that was really dark, thats it sor far, im holding back, I'm waiting for the right people to show up to do this properly. You can confirm these two abilities from star positions and quantum sensing (tasting ect) the environment. Hopefully we can make humanity better with these abilities, they did bring out the worst in the evil professors though, hopefully they can bring out better in others. Human greed is my arch enemy. Damion

Tuesday, 4 October 2016


Ive had some scientists in, quite a few of them. They drugged me with all sorts last night, they said to learn how to switch my abilities on and off. they learnt nothing. they spiked me with a memory damaging drug and a drug which is making me sleep all the time this morning. I worry because they arnt displaying proper ethical standards, they are just drugging me, where will this lead? I just want to work for the right people. I projected myself on to the moon and somewhere else believe it or not (ill explain at some point), i was really there and i have proof, this is why there is all this fuss. Damion

Monday, 3 October 2016

Personality change experiment- More ego experiments

They have stolen my ego which has reassurted, they say they are going to blackmail me with it, that will be the families I guess. This country really is run by shit, they'd drag the entire world down with them if they could, sacrifice all of our futures just because they cannot take defeat with any degree of honour. Damion

The bumbling Nazis warning

They just told me if I don't come up with results to hold the world off from stopping the genocide and getting justice they will damage my new temporal abilities. They mean it, it's really important for our future. Move ASAP if you can against them, don't fall for their ploy.

I've found out these guys are telling the world they are key to getting results out of me, this is a lie. I'm reassuring because they eased up on the experiments they do. The problem is people won't believe how stupid the idiots who call the shots in the uk are, they are easy to track down, they are where all the money and power is, I'm not sure if it's 'the families' that run mi6, I know it's Younger, mi6 said the families will kill me for writing that. They basically run Mi6.

MI6 have always said they want me to get out of this then die, they dislocated my spine last night a couple of inches below the shoulders, I could feel my spine in my chest. They seem to want to play games with my life.

A lot is going on, apparently the world is in uproar about my children being burnt alive, Im so glad people are showing they give a shit about my children. It helps a lot...we're not alone. 

I want to say thank you to anyone out there who is fighting this war with me, I don't feel alone like I once did. This war started off with just me by myself for such a long time, I'm glad there's others out there now, I don't feel so alone anymore. Everything changed around the start of 2012 I think it was, when I went to London to campaign, i went there and I stood outside the Guardian newspaper handing out leaflets on what the UK was doing to try get help. I handed out a leaflet to some people from the east. I didn't know at the time but this little piece of paper with a spelling mistake on was to change the world. I'll write about in my book someday in a chapter I think I'll call 'the guardian'. Maybe people in the east will tell this story from their point of view, I'd very much like to hear it, I'm sure so would many others. Ever since this happened thing have got better with there being more people out there fighting. The world needs to wake up. 
'Free minds, free thoughts, free us all'. Damion


Mi6 stole more of my semen a couple of months ago because of me being such a good problem solver, now they are going to do the same again, they said they needed fresh semen for some reason.i fear the same will happen again.

Update- Baby farms in the uk

The U.K. Government has been closing down the baby farms here in the uk, they are farms of my babies and some from other autistics like Gareth Williams, I think they murdered my children unless there has been a swarm of adoptions recently. I hope the world finds out about these abominations. One story I heard- There are row after row of babies with usually one female prisoner who only gets fed if she feeds them. The police found it but suppressed their memories of it, to quote an mi6 agent 'they knew what it was'. MI6 made a deal with the criminal underworld it's meant to police to create things like this and supply them semen if they got preferential treatment with regard to and advancements the criminals made.

General update- They are trying a personality change experiment, they put me in pain constantly with programming this morning, with an Ideocentric recursive program of half my spine in place. I fear more attacks, they keep trying to learn something I call temporal reality perception (long story) but are failing, it's proved to be impossible, this is a different kind of ability. Damion

Sunday, 2 October 2016


The U.K. Government have been destroying documents in the archives

They are trying to damage my abilities

'Because there going to break us down, were doing it To damage the world' one agent said


The scientist is uk government, not UN, they are attacking the UN with that move.  Make sure they can't start any wars in the Middle East, it's their fall back plan. Damion

Mental note

We could talk about the news, going to the cinema, computers, history, science, literature and....Dragons!... 

'If dragons didn't exist it would be necessary to create them'...
~Damion Cappleman (date ??/??/????)~
Just a mental note for a chapter in my book, this happened on 31.9.16...all I can say is... 'Dragons'! Damion

Priority update

I'm in a lot of danger, some scientists saying their from the UN turned up. I found out they plan to take out bits of my brain, I confirmed this with a new found ability, they have done it to other autistics. They plan to kidnap me, support would be appreciated. These scientists need help believe it or not, they have been programmed, they need liberating, I think we should move guys.

I've got a lot to share with you guys one day on recent goings on, you won't believe where I've been, I'll leave a note on my blog below to help me remember the date...Damion

30.09.16- 'probably hacking time'

Resorting to random elements...

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Temporal physics update

The future is in a constant state of temporal flux but is I've noted sometimes stable. This is probability. Just offering my 5 cents on the matter...

Get eyes on me!

 I mean it! We're in trouble. I don't think your getting my drafts. Damion


The Tibetans have taken a bright white child like body net I discovered using Temporal abilities, mI6 has another profoundly important bright white body net. You need to get here. Damion

Top priority update

Very important things have happened. America, China (and the rest of you) , you need to come to me. You don't know how important it is. You will regret it if you don't. Damion


I projected myself into space, I now have a fist sized quantum replica of Earth in my hand. You guys got to see this. MI6 are selling copy's on so at least the world gets them even if the guy who burnt my children (younger) is making money from it . They won't leT me sleep again. Damion

Government murder attempt Update

It's getting really dangerous with my broken back, they did a trick so I'm immune to pain there but it gets through with their experiments. It's making me cry out in pain. The radiographer must have seen the big break in my back, dr:Harris examined me and knew. He said my herpese was spots. They just gave me a big fit. They have just clicked my broken piece to the left, it's away from the spine. I just clicked it back. Damion