I've been attacked all day by the illegal private army of the royal family. The Windsors themselves have themselves been in as always trying to become more intelligent from my frequencies. I've William has raped one of my children, I found this out the other day. He kidnapped one of my children, he's named after me, he's only a baby. This was after all of the Windsors assaulted his mum. They are both perverts and are trying to get at me and the people I care about. I've managed to do something, to strike a blow to defend myself, my family and for the people of Great Britain. I'm hoping it might end the mind control society unless its covered up like so much is in the modern world. Lets read the papers tomorrow. Britons wont be slaves.
The Royal family plan something bad in revenge, A surgery that's planned tonight, barricades only slow them down, any political maneuvers to help would be appreciated. By the way, if there's chips over your bedroom door where the hinges are and they appeared about two weeks after you moved in they've been in your room. They steal semen for their selective breeding program and put bugs in people in case I die to create a world wide mind control net if I die (as most hypnotic abilities on the planet die with me). I'll keep on fighting, we need to keep on fighting, fighting for a free world. Humanity wont be slaves. D
Welcome to the world of Temporal hypnosis.This new skill has spread to millions,you just stumbled upon where it originated.Im Damion, Im in a war to try get my hypnosis to the attention of the world;it can do alot more than you think is possible,it&my inventions started the Temporal age of technology.People with my hypnosis have power over people when its secret.This blogs my way of letting the world know;to find help from those willing to fight for whats right.
Sunday, 22 July 2018
Saturday, 21 July 2018
A letter to America
Dear President Trump and my friends in America
I hope this message finds its way to your desk and finds you well. I am hoping you can help with something. I am finding my immediate family; my children have suffered a sickening amount of persecution at the hands of the UK's royal family. The royal family have made plans to kill more than one of my children to cover up crimes the have committed I have found. I am hoping you can help make it possible to get my children to safety. The UK government won't give my children identities, they grew up on an army base, therefore they may need help leaving the UK. I am hoping you can help get my children evacuated from the UK and to American soil to become American citizens. They all want to go so I am trying to make this happen.
My children have had some really hard times but have been strong enough to become the nicest, brightest kids I have ever met. I really am proud to be their dad. I consider myself friends with the people of America, that's why I've writing to you for help. If you can help my children I plan to return the favor in some way. It would mean so much to me, they are so important to me, they really are. I hope things are going well for you in the white house, if you need any problems solving as I'm sure you know I specialize in don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm always here if you need me.
Yours sincerely Damion Cappleman
p.s Nice work us saving the planet, that was kinda cool.
I hope this message finds its way to your desk and finds you well. I am hoping you can help with something. I am finding my immediate family; my children have suffered a sickening amount of persecution at the hands of the UK's royal family. The royal family have made plans to kill more than one of my children to cover up crimes the have committed I have found. I am hoping you can help make it possible to get my children to safety. The UK government won't give my children identities, they grew up on an army base, therefore they may need help leaving the UK. I am hoping you can help get my children evacuated from the UK and to American soil to become American citizens. They all want to go so I am trying to make this happen.
My children have had some really hard times but have been strong enough to become the nicest, brightest kids I have ever met. I really am proud to be their dad. I consider myself friends with the people of America, that's why I've writing to you for help. If you can help my children I plan to return the favor in some way. It would mean so much to me, they are so important to me, they really are. I hope things are going well for you in the white house, if you need any problems solving as I'm sure you know I specialize in don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm always here if you need me.
Yours sincerely Damion Cappleman
p.s Nice work us saving the planet, that was kinda cool.
My family is in danger
Essence has being evaced to America I've been told. Please can America come to my conscious net and confirm this, i'm really worried.
I caught Prince Charles raping another one of my daughters; Affinity whom I've recently met. All my immediate family are at risk from them. I want them all out of the country and in America.
The royal family are in my mind 24 hours a day, they try sleep when I do, they are trying to become more intelligent from my frequencies, they are pretty much obsessed with me. They even have my theta nets in George which is child abuse to try and make him more intelligent. Prince Charles tried stealing one of my subconscious nets and it went wrong and we joined minds, i triggered a program in him to activate his disguise and it turns out hes a notorious pedophile that no one can catch, everyone knows of him, i hate to think how many children he has raped.
I've had a social worker in trying to stop me being able to see my children legally when their lives may depend on seeing me, she obviously works for the queen, shes not happy, the Queen has the social services by the balls as she said.
I'm fighting back with hypnosis and hacking secrets, the Queen sold acsess to our children to the Chienese again, the hypnotic defences I came up with for the police wont be as useful now because of her inside knolwage ect. Ive tried to come up with some new stuff for the police. Tereta May still says the Queen is in charge of hypnotic society to stupidly attempt to avoid liability for all this. Apparently they have already held my court case of which I am innocent and have decided I have to go to prison while I was asleep believe it or not. D
I caught Prince Charles raping another one of my daughters; Affinity whom I've recently met. All my immediate family are at risk from them. I want them all out of the country and in America.
The royal family are in my mind 24 hours a day, they try sleep when I do, they are trying to become more intelligent from my frequencies, they are pretty much obsessed with me. They even have my theta nets in George which is child abuse to try and make him more intelligent. Prince Charles tried stealing one of my subconscious nets and it went wrong and we joined minds, i triggered a program in him to activate his disguise and it turns out hes a notorious pedophile that no one can catch, everyone knows of him, i hate to think how many children he has raped.
I've had a social worker in trying to stop me being able to see my children legally when their lives may depend on seeing me, she obviously works for the queen, shes not happy, the Queen has the social services by the balls as she said.
I'm fighting back with hypnosis and hacking secrets, the Queen sold acsess to our children to the Chienese again, the hypnotic defences I came up with for the police wont be as useful now because of her inside knolwage ect. Ive tried to come up with some new stuff for the police. Tereta May still says the Queen is in charge of hypnotic society to stupidly attempt to avoid liability for all this. Apparently they have already held my court case of which I am innocent and have decided I have to go to prison while I was asleep believe it or not. D
Inida needs help
India tried to kill me the other day, I walked past four or five Indian guys and soon after my heart was beating out of my chest, id obviously being spiked. luckily MI6 had some beta blockers in their drugging device after the recent heart attacks and administered it. I've found out the wrong person is in charge with india and people want rid but its causing problems, an evil dictator. they need help getting rid maybe. Apparently the attempt on my life was due to the recent black hole incident in China. I've done nothing wrong I may add, this move was political and undoubtedly about this evil dictator staying in power and making money. The Queen has tried to forge an alliance with this guy I've heard. D
p.s China has created false copys of my blog wih me saying I caused the black hole incident somehow, so try find the real one guys.
p.s China has created false copys of my blog wih me saying I caused the black hole incident somehow, so try find the real one guys.
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Social services and the Queen plans top kill one of my family
A social service worker was in my mind last night, there was some type of meeting, she said my kids arnt allowed to come online in my mind, I found she is being controlled by the Queen. They are trying to cut me off from being able to support my kids. I did some hacking, the Queen planes/d to kill Essence again, on the 25th of June, one day before the anniversary of me creating my Phoenix stone. I'm hoping everyone knowing this stops it happening. I love my kids, especially the ones ive met and developed a relationship with, I just want them to be OK.
I want my kids out of here and in America, they want to go and I want them to as well. The other families they royal family has raped children of and is persecuting want evac as well, one Dad I talked to lost his business because of them. This is an official request for help and support. D
I want my kids out of here and in America, they want to go and I want them to as well. The other families they royal family has raped children of and is persecuting want evac as well, one Dad I talked to lost his business because of them. This is an official request for help and support. D
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
The Queen raping children
The Queen kidnapped my daughter Esme (Essences sister) last night from in front of me. We then shortly after caught her raping her, i informed hull police. The Queen then proceeded to have the royal families goons/private army steal all my daughters nets, this is fatal after some time. She only got the nets back when she said she would drop the charges when she didnt want to. When we got her back one of the Queens knights said to her 'see what its like when the whole world wont believe you'. Ive done some investigating and have found there are a lot of families, some ive met in a position like mine where members of the royal family have raped their children. This is an official request for help from me and all the other families in the same position. They kidnaped her again later that night.
As proof everyone in the room we teleported into where we saw the Queen raping a her, we also saw the Queen is an hermaphrodite with only one testicle. This makes a lot of sence, after all the competing with me and rapes.
The Queen has been given assess to the treasury and has spent more on her private army than the UK spends on the UN.
Can you help guys. Ill owe you one. D
As proof everyone in the room we teleported into where we saw the Queen raping a her, we also saw the Queen is an hermaphrodite with only one testicle. This makes a lot of sence, after all the competing with me and rapes.
The Queen has been given assess to the treasury and has spent more on her private army than the UK spends on the UN.
Can you help guys. Ill owe you one. D
Monday, 16 July 2018
The Queen rape
The Queen keeps having me rraped. It was for 6 hours night before last. She sits inside thew persons whos doing its mind. I couldnt fall to sleep last night, i kept passing out, halluc enating then talking in my sleep. I cant stay awake now. its because the hypnosis lasted so long.
They are doing personalityt change experiments with sleeping rapst again, they are pretty bad, they are also using lots of members of the public downloading my FQ which is emotional torture.
The queen broke my back again. The base hurts and so does half way up. apparently ill be in a wheelchair the rest of my life even with the best medical intervention. D
They are doing personalityt change experiments with sleeping rapst again, they are pretty bad, they are also using lots of members of the public downloading my FQ which is emotional torture.
The queen broke my back again. The base hurts and so does half way up. apparently ill be in a wheelchair the rest of my life even with the best medical intervention. D
Thursday, 12 July 2018
We did it!...I think
My info is a bit sketchy on this one, they wont explain to me how but apparently we did it, the UN took one of my ideas and it corrected our orbit. We only had a short window to do this as this type of problem gets worse ive been told. It must have been my gravitational decrease harmonic, its the only thing we really had time for. Get it on. So...I'm now mr. popular with the UN, they look like the cavelry us in the Phoenix net have been waiting for :-) D
p.s Good work pirate radios out there, apparently the temporal net music from the future rocks! your proving to be a pain in the mind control societies ass, keep it going! use helium balloons to make super long transmitters to broadcast world wide and be careful! Lets get this sorted people...Back to it...D
p.p.s We might have sorted the earth out but the moons a different matter, we might have to do something. We have it in hand...
p.s Good work pirate radios out there, apparently the temporal net music from the future rocks! your proving to be a pain in the mind control societies ass, keep it going! use helium balloons to make super long transmitters to broadcast world wide and be careful! Lets get this sorted people...Back to it...D
p.p.s We might have sorted the earth out but the moons a different matter, we might have to do something. We have it in hand...
Planeary crisis update- China's status
It was China that created the black hole that has set us out of our orbit by increasing the mass odf the entire planet I theorise was the result of it being created. The UN stepped in and took charge of the crisis, they have been in my conscious engine. China kept doing unthought out experiments with the temporal accelerator so a UN orbital strike was carried and and it was phasered from space. It scares me but I found out today they want to build one underground, this device can and will blow up if you use it wrong it should solely be in the hands of the UN and with good reason I will explain in my next post.
Lots of people in China think this is their punishment for burning my children which is unthinkable to me to find out might have happened. I pray it hasn't, there's an entire province of my children there. I pray they are safe.
China has become obsessed with blaming me for what they have done, they even put fake copy's of my blog out. Its the masters of chi they have put in charge of China, fucking martial artists who want to be gods over us, give us a break....Get rid!
Ive got some good news for us now in my next post on behalf of me and the United Nations...D
Lots of people in China think this is their punishment for burning my children which is unthinkable to me to find out might have happened. I pray it hasn't, there's an entire province of my children there. I pray they are safe.
China has become obsessed with blaming me for what they have done, they even put fake copy's of my blog out. Its the masters of chi they have put in charge of China, fucking martial artists who want to be gods over us, give us a break....Get rid!
Ive got some good news for us now in my next post on behalf of me and the United Nations...D
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Planetary crisis solution- Planetary temporal slingshot
Right, we make a mobile temoral core like what created the black hole what caused this crisis on a ship, we then do a fly by outside of earths orbit to slingshot the planet back into a stable orbit. Its my best solution so far. My other solutions involve a network of warp cores around the earth to make the earth lighter using my warp gravitational decrease harmonic....Theres also the World Engine, i'm not keen on this one, its a way to build a city sized engine I designed using temporal net about a year ago (A friend from the future was keen on it).
MI6 headed by the Queen are constantly torturing me, the UK's only plan is to build the Queen and co a long term space ship ive found. They are trying a personality change experiment, i have hundreds if not thousands of scum from the upper classes and scumbag hackers/torturers joinging minds with me. Anyway, back to the problem at hand. Lets sort it guys, theres a lot of people working on this now so don't panic, we'll be fine.
MI6 headed by the Queen are constantly torturing me, the UK's only plan is to build the Queen and co a long term space ship ive found. They are trying a personality change experiment, i have hundreds if not thousands of scum from the upper classes and scumbag hackers/torturers joinging minds with me. Anyway, back to the problem at hand. Lets sort it guys, theres a lot of people working on this now so don't panic, we'll be fine.
Planetary slingshot...

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