This is a sample of a paper I am attempting to write on the autistic spectrum to show a little of how important my hypnosis is and what is been held back from the world, it should lead to a full understanding of autism. I'm hoping this might be enough to make some noise in the world media.
The Autistic Spectrum
Dynamic Spectrum Theory
by Damion Cappleman
This is my work on the autistic spectrum. My findings
are from what I have learnt from my research on the hypnosis I am pioneer of
that lets me observe quantum structures in the human mind. People on the
spectrum can be highly developed in different aspects of the mind, my hypnosis
is based on this. I have also based my work on been lucky enough to meet some
people on the spectrum.
The autistic spectrum is
made up of two elements-
The Neuron
genesis element
-A high Id rate/delta brain wave I think stimulates/prolongs
neuron-genesis leading to the autistic brain having too many neurons.
-Too many neurons offset
the amplitude of the four main brain waves and the amount of virtual photons
they create. This amplitude is what dictates what brain wave/part of
personality is dominant as we go through the four stages in neurological and
psychological human development.
The development element
(related to quantum psycho-dynamic theory)
(related to quantum psycho-dynamic theory)
We are meant to go through four stages of development-
-The first stage of neurological
development is the baby stage that lasts until the age of one or so, the signs
of autism won’t be apparent at this stage. The first stage is associated with a
dominant delta brain wave where the Id is the dominant structure in personality
and the cerebellum is the dominant lobe in the brain. At this stage we are
primed to learn about the senses and bond with our mother, these stage hard
wires the neural networks in the brain and we form permanent memories well. The thought process of the Id is to associate one thought (not really association rather than the root of association; direct download).
The thoughts themselves are singular, the amount of thoughts in the Id correlates with the hz squared. The amount of information stored here is related to Id/permanent memory.
The thoughts themselves are singular, the amount of thoughts in the Id correlates with the hz squared. The amount of information stored here is related to Id/permanent memory.
-The second stage of neurological
development is the child stage that lasts from the age of one or so until the
age of eight or so. The second stage is associated with a dominant theta brain
wave where the Ego is the dominant structure in personality and the occipital
lobe is the dominant lobe in the brain. At this stage we are primed to learn
about our close family, communication and recycle our senses with our
imagination, we learn quickly especially with concepts and shape interpretation
and form long term memories well. The thought process of the Ego is about putting two thoughts from the Id together, a stage of strong association, a duality driven thought process.
The thoughts themselves are dual, the amount of thoughts in the Ego correlates with the hz squared.The amount of information stored here is related to Ego/long term memory.
-The third stage of neurological development is the adolescent stage that lasts from the age of eight or so until the late teens early twenty’s. The third stage is associated with a dominant alpha brain wave where the Super Ego is the dominant structure in personality and the parietal lobe is the dominant lobe in the brain. At this stage we are primed to become more independent from our family, we learn shapes and symbols well, and form short term memory well which can help with things like maths.The thought process of the super ego is about putting many thoughts together from the Id and ego. A stage of a complex thought process where over a hundred thoughts can come to mind.
The thoughts themselves are singular, the amount of thoughts in the super ego correlates with the hz squared. The amount of information stored here is related to Super Ego/short term memory.
-The fourth and last stage of neurological development is the adult stage that begins the late teens early twenties (the age schizophrenia is triggered), entering the last stage of development is what triggers latent schizophrenia. The third stage is associated with a dominant beta brain wave where Consciousness is the dominant structure in personality and the frontal lobe is the dominant lobe in the brain. At this stage we are primed to be independent. This stage is about stability and being more organised. We have a good sensory memory at this stage,
The thoughts themselves are singular, the amount of thoughts in consciousness correlates with the hz squared.The amount of information stored here is related to conscious/sensory memory.
Us on the spectrum develop slightly differently though, we have an off set neurological development, our brains develop in a different order to neuro-typicals. All people on the spectrum have an over developed Id (a high Id rate- see Quantum Dynamic theory). From some people on the spectrum I have been fortunate enough to meet there seems to be 4 types of us, we seem to have one dominant brainwave throughout our lives-
The four
types on the Autistic spectrum
From meeting some people
on the spectrum i have noted we fit in to one of four groups.
Delta Autistics- the deltas stay in an Id/delta stage, the human first stage of
As a baby we are designed
to learn about vision, touch, hearing, smell, taste and making sense. We have
so much to learn about these things when we are born the brain has evolved to
do this very quickly, this mechanism over develops in delta autistics. Our
emotions are at their strongest when we are a baby to help us learn and form a
close relationship with our mother- Delta Autistics will have very strong
emotions indeed and I Imagine are very caring.
If you look at a baby’s
expressions they often seem overwhelmed, I imagine Deltas will feel like this
with both the senses and the thought process.
The low hz of the Id will make a deltas thought process is like little explosions of logic, this stage is about one thought/concept coming to mind..
Deltas will have the cerebellum as the dominant lobe in the brain.
Deltas will have the cerebellum as the dominant lobe in the brain.
Dominant emotions- Very
overdeveloped emotions from the Id
Theta Autistics- (like me) Have a dominant Theta brain wave and stay for a long period in the
second stage of human development. At this stage we start to recycle our senses
to help design theoretical situations in the safety of our own imaginations. We
develop a strong imagination, theta waves are linked to this I feel.
In this stage we are
designed to learn about our family, Theta autistics bond very closely to people
as a result and form strong friendships and relationships and are very people
based and chatty when we like people (a very social Asperger). We are social, linguistic and have a strong imagination and quite strong emotional state and a strong sense of right and wrong, we like everyone to get on and have strong empathy.
Some notes on me- I am actually surprised an eeg read normal for me, though there may be other factors involved like my involvement with MI6 (the nurse actually asked if I was on drugs). I found I never liked words like rape and torture as they would automatically form images in my mind, I find them much more unpleasant than swear words. I have a low attention span. I use logic to get by in life, I kind of cant switch off problem solving, I find new social situations difficult, they can seem different to me. I don’t like being alone (doesn't come up much), I hate being boarded. I cannot do fake, when I smile it has to be genuine, its why I am not photogenic. From observing what I call the hemisphere net I think I lack mirror neurons in the temporal lobe as with other people on the spectrum.
Some notes on me- I am actually surprised an eeg read normal for me, though there may be other factors involved like my involvement with MI6 (the nurse actually asked if I was on drugs). I found I never liked words like rape and torture as they would automatically form images in my mind, I find them much more unpleasant than swear words. I have a low attention span. I use logic to get by in life, I kind of cant switch off problem solving, I find new social situations difficult, they can seem different to me. I don’t like being alone (doesn't come up much), I hate being boarded. I cannot do fake, when I smile it has to be genuine, its why I am not photogenic. From observing what I call the hemisphere net I think I lack mirror neurons in the temporal lobe as with other people on the spectrum.
I have noticed I think in
concepts and shapes and learn better from direct communication rather than
facts and symbols (like maths and reading).
Theta's will have the occipital lobe as the dominant lobe in the brain.
Theta's think of duality's a lot of the time. The first stage of development is about associating one thought, the second stage is associating two thoughts, I think there is a paradox here in the structure of the ego- the columns go from one string to two strings over and over forming the flat helix structure I have observed, I think the structure has to be two dimensional to perform this task, if it was a transverse wave the strings wouldn't meet.
Thetas may be different to other autistics because it is a very small lobe so has a very strong drag effect, It being the second stage of development may also have an effect of the manifestation of symptoms. I learnt to walk and talk early as an example.
Dominant emotions- Emotions
from the id and ego are dominant.
Alpha Autistics- have a dominant alpha brain wave, the third stage of human
development. In this stage we become more independent from our family and can
be a little reclusive. The super ego/theta waves are very much related to an
internal thought process, so Alpha Aspergers may seem reclusive and unsocial, I
think alpha’s will like things like computers and maths. I think this may also
give rise to a very creative mind (say with music).
Alpha autistics will have the parietal lobe as the dominant lobe in the brain.
The alpha brain wave being very complex will help with balancing the complex tasks associated with maths and computers.
Dominant emotions- Emotions from the Id and super ego are dominant.
Beta Autistics-
have a dominant Beta brain wave, the fourth stage of human development. Betas
are very logical and organised and analytical. I think testosterone increases
the beta brain wave, in Beta Aspergers this brain wave is dominant but for a
different reason. I think this may have given rise to the opinion autism is the
extreme male brain as testosterone is related to (a neurotransmitter I think)
beta waves.
I think Beta Autistics
think in terms of logic and will be very good at maths as complex as
calculations are a conscious task. I
Beta autistics will have the frontal lobe as the dominant lobe in the brain.
The high hz of beta waves will lead to a complex and organised thought process.
Dominant emotions- emotions from the Id are dominant, the last stage of development is more about thinking rather than emotions, It is all about stability and reusing what we have already learnt, a very clear organised analytical mind. I think crying is an emotion to do with the conscious mind.
-My theory explains why
there is loss of skills in early childhood; it is because of leaving the an
Id/Delta stage and shifting straight to the beta stage, it may happen also in
alphas but not in deltas and thetas. Jumping from an Id stage to a beta stage
is too much of a jump for the brain to handle, this is meant to happen slowly
as with neuro-typical development, the roots into the sub conscious to
associate Id information all the way up to consciousness then take time to
Neurological factors
-The increased number of neurons offsets neurotransmitter production, keeping the autistic mind in one dominant stage of development. Neurotransmitter production is carefully balanced, exposing all neurotransmitter production to the same increase in energy from the excess neurons seems to have the effect of keeping us in one stage of development. The extra neural connections I imagine happens in the autistic brain, the increased EM field and virtual photon count all contribute to neurotransmitter production.
A Quantum network related to Autism
I have observed this quantum neural network with hypnosis. It is a thetas net on the left. The Beta waves are blue and act like static off a T.V, the lattice work structure is grey and the rest of the network is black gamma waves. I think this net is related to the auditory cortex.
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