Friday, 31 January 2020

Trump is getting China to attack me

China is attacking me now, the American people told trump to stop atacking me so he went behind their back. Damion

Last night I should have died...

The British military scientist came in my room again last night. He injected iodine into my frontal lobes. I don’t know this has happened at the time, I sit in my chair and he gloats about how iodine can kill the bits of my brain he has stolen, my frontal lobes then turn black, I realise what has happened. I try think of what to do, I try using my abilities....youlll have to read my book to find what happened next and how I’m here typing this... to do my book I’ll need to get out of this situation... and to do that I’m going to need help....So.......let’s get to it, I need you guys to network, the mind control society has lost a lot of its money buying people and I guess governments off, it’s a lot weaker. I say they should turn on Trump as hell probably want to and probably has stolen the money back, turn on him ppl. Let’s get networking, let’s get going. Damionu

P.s he’s also running around trumping to steal everything because of the loss of resources, the mind control society can cope wi5h this to quote an mi6 agent. Let’s kick their ass...

Thursday, 30 January 2020

The Conservatives and army scientists ataking me

The Prime Minister Borris got his military scientists to do brain surgery on  me. they sliced off a cm thick section from the front of the right frontal lobe and transplanted it onto someone else,our minds are connected, its awful. my head hurts. the military scientist- 60's grey short messy hair, short, i think wears glasses. he said its theoretically possible to do this type of transplant. he works at a big castle type institute torturing autistics doing Britains nazi research. sick cunts. im in a way but i need this removing from this guy, hes on a plane to america i think. we need to rebell, take up any slack you can guys. Damion

songs that go with my blog

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

we wont stop fighting....

mnore and more people are fighhting the Trump regieme in Britain. Trump and the CIA are attacking the freedom fighters; our population rising up. They are attacking me a lot trying to do last minuite dammage. lets end this quickly. remember- mi6 is only 4000 strong. Damion

Monday, 27 January 2020

coventry uprising

the people of coventry are rising up, they are organised, they even have a call center. can people network with them and provide support, thery have liberated even more of the world, in fact theyve destroyed the american empire, theres little left of it. the Americans will do whatever they can to get control of Britain, Bridlington and me. thery are using my abilities after all and are trying to slow me down fighting them. can we have support, its over if we want it to be...Damion

p.s the people of Coventry are ace!

Image result for coventry on the map poster pic

Friday, 17 January 2020

I’ve Court up

My court case has been moved to Monday. I’m a bit worried, illl explain more when I can. Let’s get doing what we can guys. The mind control society is in a bad way. I’ll post more soon. D

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Hack request- Trumps Treasure and Trumps pryamid schemes all over the place

Can hackers get this info from temporal nets around the place- I’ve found Trump uses pryamdid schemes evil as they are. Can we find out a list of old collapsed schemes dating to the ones which are going to collapse soon to the ones he’s setting up in the future to collapse. Can we then look at what this effects. Is he collapsing these pyramids to capitalise on the collapse somehow.

Trump will be trying to steal/stock the most valuable/best source of revenue to us and others spieces from all of this, something he could keep secret easily, probably in alpha centuries. He is stealing humanities resources and future potential, it’s in our interests we find out what Trumps Treasure is and where it is. Perhaps getting probable scans of the ships gone to centari. Damion

‘The Free Thousand’ of Great Britain

Just a reminder there are 1,000 people going through shadow experiments to the ones done on me. They try to keep it at the 0.1% ratio for their results. We are spread out over the UK. We are in different towns/areas, they don’t have two of us together as we could help each other. I worry about the others, we’ve been through so much.

I want us to meet us survivors of the invisible war some day, when it’s over, maybe share story’s and coping tactics. I’ve just decided tonight, I’m personally doing away with the term T.I or targeted individual and using the term ‘Freedom Fighter’ for myself, it’s what we have to be. We don’t have a choice.

I want to ask all my readers a favour, if you can; look in on one of ‘the Thousand’ with hypnosis if you have it or an email or something and ask if thy are ok, if you can get in touch, maybe circulate a bit of their information they want circulating to help them. I imagine you can hear some stories from us as a group, we have hard lives with nothing really...But if you have nothing...You have everything to fight for... Damion

Saturday, 4 January 2020

One of trumps buddies torturing me

He’s the head of a business, he personally designed the device that is moving over the top of my brain and stabbing me in different areas of the left frontal lobe. It hurts. I’ve knocked it out of place. I hope it helps. I hope we can track this scum down and try him for his crimes. He’s torturing me and there’s a lot of witnesses on hypnotic line. I think he’s from New York. Damion

We won’t forget freedom-

No worm

The slow worm is no worm to be found. I’ve had it removed from the left hemisphere of my brain. I feel much better, I can tell it’s been done. They got me in my flat, sometime tonight. It’s hard fighting this when they can just ‘get me under’. They’ve drugged me a lot today, the CIA has been experimenting on me probably in retaliation for the billionaires post last night. It’s a sign it’s going well really. Come on guys, we can do this....let’s get in gear. I’ll post you guys tomorrow.Night Damion

Important update

Trump is using a network of billionaires around the world to put in place more immovable infrastructure, I say we trip em up again. Probably in the countries he had foot holds in before. We should use this against him, there’s a lot of money involved as well I imagine, I’ll think how we can use this to our advantage. Damion

Friday, 3 January 2020

Unnecessary slow worm surgery on my brain

The CIA have put a slow worm in my brain again. They have done two purposefully messed up operations on it, one to take a 1cm square biopsy of the left frontal lobe or middle left of the brain close to the temporal pole. They lost their sample, it died so they have tried again last night, I worke up feeling awful my brain was grey. 5he slow worm is still in there, I really could use it being removed, I’m not sure of Britain’s involvement or stance on this beyond knowing close involvement, us in the Phoenix net recently gave Britain its best chance at retaking the country, I’m still in the dark to the effectiveness of this in regards to us getting a free society again. I hope the slow worm gets removed soon. They’ve been hitting me hard with torture, drugging sand brain surgery, I think bEcause the court case is soon. I’ll write someday more about these goings on, some people have turned up, I’m yet to find if they are to help or hinder though, I hope it’s to help. Say a parader for us good guys. Damion