Wednesday 30 May 2018

Enemy of the state Teresa?

Teresa May has apparently classed me as an enemy of the state again to try and legally kill me...again. Last time it was for economic sabotage when I simply put my ideas online to share with the world, when the con party were trying to illegally profit from selling and developing my ideas. A friendly country found if I die millions of people with my hypnosis also die, it has stepped in to try and help me. This is why Teresa May illegally wants me dead. I urge people to rally around countries like this, they obviously want a free world. C'mon guys, this is a golden opportunity for us, we should plough ahead supporting, empowering and helping people like this.

I dont know how but I had it confirmed i have a severed spinal cord, i shouldnt be walking, plenty of people know now, i thought id log this though im not sure if youll believe it.

The Queen and Teresa May are drugging me, they waited three months stopping torturing me then recently started again, its the most vulnerable time in my recovery, even light torture makes me feel like im dying. My heart was beating three times then going thud the fourth yesterday or the day before, i got told it was a heart attack. im not done for yet though. c'mon guys, we need to do this, network and get ready to hit them hard. D

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