Saturday 3 February 2018

Not again (a post from night before last that didn't send)

They want to operate on me again,, for my back, I don't want another surgury in my room without anaesthetic.  When they torture me my heart starts beating out of rythem. I think it would involve drilling into bone which u can't survive.

They are creaking my spine again.

You know the angels thing wasn't a plan of mine,  it just kind of happened. I was just talking to a girl and finding out her angel name came up.
I'm hoping these memories and other similar things that have happened unites the world. If anything could stop the mind control society this can.

God was very careful to make sure he seeded the religions to be....For the truth to strengthen them not push them apart. Nazi net plans to unite and control religon, one of the few places they don't have a lot of power already.  I think religon should stand together against this tryanny. I'd be with you on the front lines. Damion

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