Wednesday, 17 May 2017

a little help and a revolution

Beki, the mother of my daughter is ill ive been told, a rare form of cancer. I need to get her the cure, can my international friends put a bit of pressure on MI6/the government to make sure she gets it. We have loads of the drug stockpiled, it would mean a lot to me. The mind control society needs to fall, this cure is for everyone, c'mon guys. Lets end this...There is an election here in the UK soon, the conservatives are planning on mind controlling their way to victory again targeting 'key voters'- voters who vote and a thousand people copy them, we have a chance for change here...We might have to fight for it though, A free Britain can only mean good things for the world... Now's our chance.

oh, and to my friends out there, thank you for the help with the baby situation, there are a lot of babies that have been freed, its lifted a lot of peoples morale, i mean this; your ace! Damion

p.s I know i keep asking favors but its only when its really important, i do intend to repay them.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

cures for all disease information

Well...Thats one less thing to worry about...Kind of...

People still arnt getting help, the mind controllers still plan to keep this secret and leave millions to die, they now openly plan to keep my hypnosis secret forever and enslave 90% of humanity. These stats below are just for america. C'mon guys, we need to all fight this...Damion

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

temporal ships and an update

temporal ships from about the year 56,000 look rather like the front section of this ship but more spread out. im feeling a bit run down but i did manage to stop the torture, for a few days at least. i worked out you need to desync from your missing netting not just the nets to get them back, i got all my stolen nets back (some people who sold them//bought them were a bit pissed lol). This stopped the pain. they are stealing the messy nets growing back now, people think they make them more intelligent, if this is the case they will go crazy also, im a theta autistic. i found out i had +175% neural capacity, im down to +122% now. Im hanging in there guys, they are torturing me a lot because the mind control society is doing badly, they torture me more when it is like this. Found out Younger is a diagnosed psychopath. I fixed the disorder in him but he started messing with the new net under his Id i created to become more intelligent, i gave him his right and wrong emotions back and he threw it in my face. There has been a potential bad guy rebellion in MI^ against younger, I hacked he has stolen all their semen, their kids are on baby farms. I was quite surprised to see how parental they all are, i said i would help them with their kids, ive managed to free about 8-10 kids, the kids of two of the bad guys. Who they (as in most of my shrinks) call 'god' who runs an american big business is conducting these selective breeding programs, they are targeting all kinds of people. This is bull shit, i need help fighting this, fucking baby farms??? C'mon world...Rebel! Damion

P.s to my friends out there- any tactical support that can be given to the bad guys of mi6 would be appreciated, i said id help.

pps who the fuck is this 'god' fellow anyway, we need to rebel against this BS.

Similar to the ship 'the phoenix' from the year 56.000...

(the ship is larger than earth)

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

drugging update

Teresa May has started drugging me with neuroleptics, they hit my cerebral cortex making me sleepy all the time. Luke and Fuzz got tortured for a month for trying to make a run out of the country. The world economy is haemorrhaging 1 trillion a day because of the mind control society,I found this using temporal net, its all getting stolen. We need to turn this around. At least ive found a cure for the white matter disorder then the grey matter disorder they later gave me (about a month ago), they thought they had learnt my abilities to moved straight away to kill me. Its three or so drugs that lock onto the drug connected to my protein, it changes the drug in steps similar to how a protein is broken down in the brain changing the compound until the last step when the connection to my protein is severed. Damion

China update

I/we need help...I have found china has raised 10 million children of mine, it has murdered 1 million of them according to temporal net. It kidnapped thousands of western girls from Hong Kong to be breeders for my children. So many are of western lineage, so many are of eastern lineage. I want to get them all to safety. Teresa May sold me being experimented on and my nets for 30 billion pounds so ive had a lot to do with the Chinese over the last month. I hacked they are planning on taking over the world, they have spies in neighbouring countries to this ends. I think I stated this before, china is developing all the technology it can. ill write more soon. Damion