Monday 4 June 2018

A message in a bottle

GCHQ got classed as traitors by the conservetive government for being part of the Phoenix net, a lot of us are dead, were still fighting though, were far from done for. The old GCHQ are some of the bravest people ive ever met I say again. One of us came up with a plan to release a helium balloon, it had some tech on board to broardcast my story and probably some other useful things over the countries it travels over. It is currently touring the world broadcasting on the most useful FQ for you all. Thank you for being brave, your going to get a medal for that, you should be commended for your actions. Your ace. To everyone else- We need more things like this people, whatever you can come up with and put together. Lets change the world...I'll post next with what ive been up to. D

Image result for fuck it message in a bottle
 (if you don't like the world; change it)

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