Saturday, 13 January 2018

Illegal opperation in my room- urder update

The queen is definitely part of the NEO nazi group made up of twenty  or so members. Their leader is in American big business as is their core of power. I met this guy, his dad was a devout nazi. They want me dead, but they have to do it a certain way it seems. I've had to dodge bullets right left and center this Xmas. I hope things get better.


I was meant to put that post straight up but I fell to sleep while writing. They operated on me again, without anaesthetic. .. The Royal family had someone do something m to my insides near my anus earlier today, it meant some of my insides were going to sail out from my anus from the sexual assaults. A nice surgeon did the op he's half traumatised now it seems while I write must have been bad. They wiped my memories of it.

Apparently my heart fluctuated/had a heart attack from the pain. It was meant to be a five minute operation, due to a rupture needing fitxing took 30.


I fell to sleep again, they raped me somehow, my anus hurts, they stretched it a lot.

I didn't die of stock from the pain, they continued for thirty minutes I've been told though it could be longer easily.i had a heart attack from the pain, they have put a white thing over my heart.

They tried to create abilities to torture me further,  this op was a lot worse than I first thought.  The Americans offered a drug to safely knock me out but they ignored the offer. I'm a bit bruised but I'm ok guys. I'll be fine.

The Queen and this nazi network need to go down. The it list of atrocities grows.


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