Thursday, 2 November 2017

Update on Teresa may

Teresa may sent out diplomats to try get other countries to solve their 'common problem' as her diplomats put it. She tried having my children killed around the world, apparently I have around 30 million children. Some good countries

She has the conservatives psychiatrists that double as murders in. They have spiked me with brain damaging drugs, a new type. I've done nothing wrong as far as I can see it. They have gone on about me signing papers absolving the uk of genocide. I just made on of them, the girl big and spill the genocide secrets in London, one of the three drugging me. The hackers from the streets are helping them abuse me, they plan a counter attack against the rest of the world to cover up the genocide. They plan to use secrets against the rest of the world. Society here has broken down. One let slip their number, there's a million shrinks here in the uk. Damion 

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