Tuesday, 27 April 2021

China is raping autistics

 China has ALOT of autistics captive. They are using us for sex, raping us. This under American tutalidge. They are trying the same on me, it’s not nice but I imagine is much worse in person. It’s maou’s old army the ‘monkey types’ as they call themselves, they were a genetic experiment. The chienese population wants rid of them, America is exploiting this helping them stay in power. Damion

Monday, 26 April 2021

Far reach

 I’ve got a corrupt evil frankly doctor who experiments on autistics. He’s experimenting on my. He comes from sneezers called far reach. He has autistics prisoner, they need help. Can people look into this please. Damion

Save Sophie

 America has kidnapped a dominatrix from hull called Sophie. Shes in trouble. She’s an undiagnosed aspie. Long story. Can anyone help. Damion

Friday, 16 April 2021


 They are planning on killing me again

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

They got me...I’m back!

...Ive survived. Ive got a lot to tell you guys about...I’ve had quite a time. Lots to tell you all. I’ll do this post in two parts because I’ve got Such a lot to write about. I’ve got to explain where I disappeared to...

Soon After my last post the police turn up at my house unannounced, eight of them. They told me I missed a court appearance. They took me in the back of a Police van to a hull police station cuffed and pouring with sweat with no ventilation on in the plastic cubicle of the van. They processed me. They put me in a cell and that was it. I lay there being tortured by mi6 in a cell again. It reverted my brain to being like in the care home and mental health wards and I went into shut down, my brain simply started shutting itself down. I felt really ill. I get little sleep that night. I saw a judge the next day, he Puts me on remand, he puts me in prison. Prison isn’t very nice, the put me on c wing in hull prison. Mi6 have to spike me with drugs every day to stop me just laying there, I think it stops me from dying. My life is a fight in a cage again. My barrister a mr m.savage won’t listen to my defence and ignores the fact I have a solid ceramic skull plate/cap that I can demonstrate. He eventually coerced me into pleading guilty saying I’d get a substantial prison sentence if I go to trial and could get a non custodial sentence if I pleaded guilty. He also said court listings were in February so my trial could take some time. I plead guilty. The Judge sentences me to two years anyway. I’m later to find out this is a secret court case with no media coverage, apparently you never get out of prison in these circumstances, it’s one of the steps to murdering someone. I leave the court and go back to prison, I thought I was getting out. I’m not. Non custodial my ass. Then my sentence starts... Damion

P.s it’s good to be back...songs that go with my blog-