Wednesday, 7 April 2021

They got me...I’m back!

...Ive survived. Ive got a lot to tell you guys about...I’ve had quite a time. Lots to tell you all. I’ll do this post in two parts because I’ve got Such a lot to write about. I’ve got to explain where I disappeared to...

Soon After my last post the police turn up at my house unannounced, eight of them. They told me I missed a court appearance. They took me in the back of a Police van to a hull police station cuffed and pouring with sweat with no ventilation on in the plastic cubicle of the van. They processed me. They put me in a cell and that was it. I lay there being tortured by mi6 in a cell again. It reverted my brain to being like in the care home and mental health wards and I went into shut down, my brain simply started shutting itself down. I felt really ill. I get little sleep that night. I saw a judge the next day, he Puts me on remand, he puts me in prison. Prison isn’t very nice, the put me on c wing in hull prison. Mi6 have to spike me with drugs every day to stop me just laying there, I think it stops me from dying. My life is a fight in a cage again. My barrister a mr m.savage won’t listen to my defence and ignores the fact I have a solid ceramic skull plate/cap that I can demonstrate. He eventually coerced me into pleading guilty saying I’d get a substantial prison sentence if I go to trial and could get a non custodial sentence if I pleaded guilty. He also said court listings were in February so my trial could take some time. I plead guilty. The Judge sentences me to two years anyway. I’m later to find out this is a secret court case with no media coverage, apparently you never get out of prison in these circumstances, it’s one of the steps to murdering someone. I leave the court and go back to prison, I thought I was getting out. I’m not. Non custodial my ass. Then my sentence starts... Damion

P.s it’s good to be back...songs that go with my blog-

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