Friday, 29 November 2019

borris johnson’smurder attempt

Borris Johnson is letting the American influence back in and is trying to kill me.  I found out he wants a bomb put in my brain tonight. Damion

Stop it

They are going to try kill me again tonight, the Conservative party, Borris Johnson and co. Damion

Songs that go with my blog- Only if

Every day that goes by we lose 5000 more people. I just got this statistic from temporal net. That is if we end this all one day sooner we will save an extra 5000 people, two day 10,000,  three days 30,000. We need to push for this in the press. We have so much to fight for., I’m raring to go....We need to want this to happen. Come on guys... Damion

Only if we want to,...we will find a way...

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Borris Johnson betraying us all

He had a lot of GCHQ/Phoenix net members killed last night. 500 i was told. Can people provide support for the ones kidnapped and make noise about the ones killed, we could use support. There are some people desperate to get messages out, one woman wanted to get the message out their relation was being transported then the message cut off. The ones doing the murders were SAS. They will use soldiers the CIA could end, if we find out how we could use this against them, im presuming they are ex sas, they could be serving considering it was Borris Johnson ordering the 500 murders. Damion

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

they triggered a small bomb

The Prime Minister tried to kill me again last night by triggering a small bomb in my left cerebellum. its had a bad effect but im still alive. hes going against advice from his own people, or one at least. hes tried claiming im not a legal citizen, making out he can legally kill me. this is about money, the UK being in a bad way. i can help fix things, i want to do but if i die i dont want the people who murdered me benefiting. my healing abilities kept me alive last night again. we need a good prime minister, Nick Clegg is the one id pick. we should make it public foriegn influence on our political system if people could help...we could then get a good PM in, both labour and conservetives have been indoctronated at the top it seems. A good PM would change things now CIA control is gone. im ok, ill try hold it together. i could use a bit of public pressure on the PM not to kill me. Damion

p.s the freedom party could use support.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

the queen and pm/ the illegal malitia

I think there moving against gchq. They are mainly ex army. Some are serving. Damion

Batoning down the hatches

Mi6 we’re just about to usher the militia out of the country. I just worked out it’s a big ploy, to pull mi6 out of cover. They plan to kill me and all the mi6 agents I’ve fixed and win over, people who know the real me/ the truth...that’s it...everyone who know me personally with hypnosis Hatton down the hatches, they are going to make moves on us. The PM’s office is free but he doesn’t like the way I’ve won everyone over and am more popular than him. It’s not my fault I’m good at what I do.

We need to force the PM to do the right thing. Can people rally to my conscious engine to support. If there going to murder me I’m going to get the truth out. I’ll keep you updated. Damion

And the assassin from last night works in daylight for the conservatives

A bomb in my brain

A tiny explosive implanted last night just went pop in the dead center of my brain. Temporal regeneration/ My healing abilities held, I’m still alive and functional. I’m thinking what to do.... Damion

The illegal militia in the UK is down

It’s been dispanded. We are a lot safer now. We can start to get projects up and running without fear of reprisal. Nows a good time to get networking. The upper classes are on board and are offering support, I say they rally around the kipplings! They are a good family and will have ideas. We need to get redy for things going in the press. /big smiles Damion

The Nazi network is trying to reassurt

Trump, the queen and the illegal Chinese regieme are trying to reassure control. The queen is making a move on me. She has her assassins in, they hide bodies on moors I’ve found. They want access to me tonight. The queen is still wearing lots of stolen autistics nervous systems. She definitely is a threat of another CIA foothold in the uk. I’ve just hacked the queen has resources for the private army that murders uk citizens, can people try locate and seize/ tell the right people about these resources somehow or at least highlight their movement. This would help the uk a lot. Can anyone think of a way to provide me some cover, outing their brid tem or something. They are moving on me. Damion

Saturday, 23 November 2019

An attempt on my lifeby the Queen

They tried to look like the Russians a lot but it has become clear it was an attempt by the Queen and I think Conservative party on my life. They drugged me, I feel sickly from it but I’m going to be ok, mi6 have the opinion it was a lethal drug, I’m ok though. I tried to use my temporal net protein resequence technique to stop the effects, maybe that explains why I’m still here. I’m worried the queen has made a deal with the Prime Minister for a cover up and to kill me. I’m hoping I’m wrong, I’m hoping the Prime Minister will side with me seen as I helped free the country. I think they want me tidied up before the next government comes in. They will probably come in my room while I sleep. I’ll keep fighting...\is thinking 💭 ...Damion

Britain is quite impressed

People in Britain 🇬🇧 are in high morale, things are going well. The CIA’s biggest stronghold in the uk is mi6 and in the network around me will be it’s strongest. We need to retake mi6. It’s going to be well/cleverly defended I think. I’m sure this is the case. Mi6 keep swapping sides helping the CIA at key times. America got hold of the bad guys children I helped save- ‘the little six hundred’, they have said they have been moved to China but I don’t know if this is the case. This is what they use to control the bad guys. Can we get the children into a good countries hands somehow, save them again, it’s hard to hide six hundred kids and there movements after all. It would help get them on side, I’m sure it would, we could negotiate for this.

Important- I found mi6 shipped in a lot of CIA people and hid their identities, the same way they do for their own agents. I’ve know this for a few hours.

We could down mind control over the good agents that will fight.
We could ID then name and shame the CIA’s hidden identity agents.

Damion...Britain’s won’t be slaves

Mi6 torture regieme

Mi6 still has it’s torture regieme in place. It won’t let me mastrubate withought their paedophilic rapists abusing me. It’s been nearly a year now. They still rape me every other night. Apparently stopping me mastubating makes the rapes better for them to steal my sensations/nets. The queen steals a lot of my nets, I think it’s her having this done.They also let slip she’s organised brid police to form a court case against me near Christmas that I could well go to prison for. Mi6 have spiked me with a stimulant and are torturing me, it’s given away the CIA (the queen is part of their network) is still in charge of mi6. Ill put my previously offline post online now (from earlier). Damion

To add-the queens still claims to be addicted to my frequencies while being raped.

The best way to deal with this would be to get help piecing together all the stories (using temporal net) that out the link between them and peopdophile networks by putting multiple sources of info together that out them when pieced together, I’ve learnt untreat peadophile are obsessive to this info will be there in plentiful supply. I might try this some day. D

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

the CIA have done it to other countries

Please check for the CIA having your codes, they've done it to other countries. Their top man has them, Trumps network. they might try fleeing the country. ive known this for 2 and a half hours. Damion

we got nuclear capacity back online for the UK

I did a hack with a help from some fellow freedom fighters, i looked for Trumps top man in the UK, its one of his buddies in big business. It turns out he had our nuclear deterant codes. I got Britain's defenses back online. the CIA had circumvented our nuclear capacity. We've freed up the press, things are going well...ill post more soon, gotta go. Damion

China situation

A Chinese province where Chairman Mao was strongest (probably where he came from) is trying to take control of China, they are Maoists and totalitarians. A lot who i meet from there have Munchhausen. They killed a lot of Chinese with sleep deprivation a while ago over a long pertiod and are responsible for lots of 'mysterious' deaths. The good people of China need alerting in the press...ill tell you about this morning in my next post...its ace...Damion

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

We need to get it in the press

If the press is free its time to make noise, we should go round cancer wards and tell them about the cure. We should go to universities and and schools and tell them about the warp drive. We should go to everyone we know and tell them about the telepathy. Or go directly to the press. We should make our aim getting the press to print or to make continuous noise. make sure to log your call to the press, its news itself. remember this is world news as well. try pitching in everyone. Remember to network build, some people out there could realy help us end this im sure, we just need to network with them. Damion (of the Phoenix Net)

China's emperor has a new cult

The Chinese regime has started a new religion abandoning Buddism and worshiping the emperor. They just attacked a school of children on my way to the library. This is the effect of CIA rule in China. The Chinese in charge have given in to the CIA. We need to beat this. Damion

Monday, 18 November 2019

Were doing really well so I have America and China attacking me

The Chinese (there's 10 million trained- they mainly pretend to work night shifts and control and steal Chi from the others) are attacking me, they are doing it for the Americans. America put very much so the wrong people in positions of power in China to make it easy to control, they psych profiled people and got people who were traumatized, lower IQ, greedy, bad guys type and i am sure more. can people help  get this information and the full picture out there. they have done it to other countries to try cripple us all and to be able to maintain American control of our countries. they will have excluded key people in our countries I'm betting that we need back.
When this goes in the press i want to work with people from around the world including the people of the east, i hope we can get there soon..

We have a big network in surry building, offer the support, they are forming a political movement, we need to rally round and support them in what they do. im under the impression someone from there did a protest suicide and spray painted his/her house with things about the mind control society. this uprisiong is too big to stop. ive taled to some of them, they want this in the press now.

Keep an eye out for Dafney from an earlier post please, shes been assaulted 3 times while she slept by the secret service she says. She was in Sleeping Rapists class at school and knows about him.

Lets look at immovable infrastructure for the press, the mind control agents and tech especially for them...It is a key rtesour=se so will have its own setup...Do this quick there on the back foot. Lets go.


Saturday, 16 November 2019

The only way is up!

Related image

Its gone well

Things are going well, we tripped them up then whipped them backwards. The CIA are Nazi fanatics though, they really are, its glaringly apparent now. They are lashing out at higher dimensional life forms now, torturing and trying to kill them. Theres a lot to explain about all of this. There is a connection between us in this dimension and life in higher dimensions, the layers of reality (like e=mc2 space being symbiotic with e=mc3 space). The CIA are trying to take control of all of this.

Theres a lot to explain, the best way would be for the warp drive, cure for cancer and telepathy going in the press and the rest being explained by word of mouth.

The other day a lot of people found out and it was going really well, people just wanted the problems solved, they wanted me treat better as well. we need more of that. i was proven right its a good thing full disclosure. us in the Phoenix net have fought and fought hard to give us some good things to counter the bad things in this. Im sure it will pay off.

The CIA/Trump have a new general in, they plan a counterstrike, that got him going, theres stuff going on. He'll be eager to strike. We need to use their evil as our defense. why not look at the build up they are amassing and out them for taking over countries or trying to at least. it will be the same tactic in every country so piece together what they are doing with the allies. Damion

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Trip and whip

The CIA are trying a counter strike, they are some agents from Singapore attacking me. i found out they were CIA though. Singapore is a massive target in the east for China and the CIA and Trump. They are big good guys. im glad i found out it was the CIA's claws. this is perfect to trip the CIA up. they are tryin g a desperate counter strike. i say we trip them up. give the agents the chance to join us though and get them to help with a quick strike. Damion

Its time...

They are trying to retake the UK, the PM's office is heavily suppressed by the CIA with their secrets and manipulation. The CIA and Trump has its claws right in china. ive found they only trained dodgy mentally impaired people to control them. We have China in front of America like their lap dogs attacking us for them trying to get abilities. The Chinese are kidnapping British children and adults in front of me stealing nets. the pm wont raise defenses so ive been fighting for us long with some other citizens, i dont know how many. i hacked all Americas and china's secrets and distributed them around the world last night and this morning. it seems to have helped. ive been told the CIA were planning on killing everyone in our recent uprising. it plans other crazy things is the word mi6 used. The American uprising is still happening g i think... Were in a good position to strike everyone...Lets do it...Damion

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Borris Johnson’s psych guys and CIA are in

They plan to kidnap or kill me I think. Any help would be appreciated. Damion

Saturday, 9 November 2019

People around the world unite

There’s never been a better time to network and to strike. The mind control society is desperately trying to regain foothold especially in Britain and China it seems. Capitalise on the situation. What else is immovable infrastructure for the American war machine? It will have tech centres, it does they all just went quiet. That’s one thing they may rely on. I’ll try get some more information on how to strike...come on guys, let’s do this....Damion

Gareth Williams murder and his family

Gareth Williams was murdered a few years ago, 2012 was it? He was an autistic from GCHQ, a genius. The CIA and mi6 stole his semen and mixed it with mine and distributed it for their experiments and a kind of social engineering of sorts spreading the CIA’s experiments. I’ve mentioned this in posts before some years ago. Me and Gareth have literally millions of children each around the world now. Alpha type autism runs in his family. I think they know the truth and are freedom fighters. I’d like to network with them if I could. My children and Gareth’s children need to be brought into the public eye to be safe. Our kids need help...Damion

Tiberius’s mum

Im still worried for Tiberius’s mum, the mum of a freedom fighting autistic who was murdered by a choking hypnotic technique. I hope she’s ok. He had his name etched into the war memorial for fighting. I’ve been told the government may have been involved with his murder along with the CIA. I hope his mum gets lots of support. I want to know her name for the record. I miss Tiberius.... Always my friend. Damion


I’ve met Sia who wrote and sung Titainium. The CIA are attacking her at the moment, she’s not liking how I am being treated because I’m on the spectrum. Can people give her a hand if she’s needs it. Damion p.s I’ll keep everyone updated

The Con party

The con-serveative government are charging people 15’000 pounds to go to university with my slip time ability that gives you speeded up memories in a way of acting your course. This is a massive con, I developed the ability and I want it used the right way- to benefit humanity. Damion

Cover please

We need cover for a James Nesbit who America is out to kill, he’s a freedom fighter helping.... wait, they scrambled that name with the computer... his first name is James from the uk...Damion

Friday, 8 November 2019

We’ve done it

GCHQ agents/boffins went viral a couple of years ago, it was my idea, as a last ditch defence to break down an organisation an spread out round the country and world to get support and fight back. They recently got sent out a secret message to return home from the ones still part to the Phoenix net. They came home to fight. They came home to build the time machine I came up with. It’s got us a massive foothold. We’ve got friends out there us good guys around the world.

I think we did it...With them getting a foothold in the uk weve got rid of the American ‘immovable infrastructure’ they were using to control the uk, the 50 agents they were using. It’s spread all around the world others doing what we have. The CIA agents were all over the place. We’ve done it, they are gone. The CIA and Trumps empire has collapsed. There’s still more to do I feel though.

 Borris Johnson’s recent actions are a worry, I want to win him over. I was drugged today as well though, I had to use my healing abilities to control it. The CIA is trying to rally or was earlier, it was trying to use me as a weapon to attack lots of people, the temporal, the people of Britain even the people of America (to try make me look bad). I’ve been getting attacked a lot recently, I’ll keep trying, I really could use help now though.

Things look a lot better for all of us...Just a little more...Come on guys! Let’s end this! Damion

P.s. I am...

Songs that go with my blog

Monday, 4 November 2019

weve retaken a lot of the world

look at their movements. where are the agents going. It wiull show us what Trump is up to now. They are on the back foot. im worried Borris Johnson might try killing me tonight, hes been funny towards me the last couple of days, he did try the other night as well. Could i have some more support please. also ty for help. Lets end this... Damion

important 2

We’ve found out who is controlling China. Other countries need to follow suit. Damion


america had just 50 key personnel controlling Britain in key places, it will be the same around the world. Try find out about them and strike. Quick if u can .Damion

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Borris Johnson

Borris Johnson is trying to kill me again. There’s a device in my frontal lobe. It’s making a buzzing noise. Damion

This happens to look like a warp core/temporal drive

Murder attempt and freedom fighting

People are rising up against Borris Johnson for trying to kill me. I’m alive but I am brain damaged. He’s fallen for America’s lies, doesn’t he get it’s my tech that has saved us. Trump is trying to get a foothold in the uk again. It depends on Borris Johnson’s reactions for a few things. I’m finding it hard to place my words. We need him to end this, to put so much in the press, like the cure for cancer and virus, the warp technology and the telepathy. It will start everything working again because everyone will realise they will have to follow the rules of our society’s. I’m in hope Borris won’t try kil me again tonight. He’d be going against the will of his people. I know money is involved, I just want him to do the right thing. Come on, fight. Damion

A device in my frontal lobe

I just got up. There was a pop in my frontal lobe. It was a device to kill me. My healing ability kept me alive. Could use a little help. Damion


It’s looks like I’ve had illegal brain surgery. An attempt on my life. Help. Damion

Saturday, 2 November 2019

trump is mind controlling the chienese

He offered China a lot earlier for its support, it turned out to be lies so China backed out. Now China is back supporting trump, I had to explain about earlier to the China man. Trumps trying to mind control his way to getting support with people assaulting me. I am trying to get proper defence from the government. Damion

got me one!


Tyrannical Trump is desperate

Be on the look out for America’s lies, Trump is desperate. Now’s a good time to capitalise on the situation. They are in a weak position. The uk has rallied. It would be a good time for the good guys to network. Damion

Here’s to the good guys rallying around the world

Friday, 1 November 2019

Britain’s won’t be slaves

I think we did it. If what I’ve been told is right things are a lot better here in the uk. I’ll explain more soon, involves me, GCHQ, a time machine and a big fight back ^^ Damion /grins