Saturday, 31 August 2019

The kids

Trumps regieme is still holding fields over all it's f us to try take away our feelings for our kids, things like love and anger if hey are abused to try subdue us. This isn't on, I thought I'd let you know again about this. Damion


Here's remembering the Phoenix and all her sister ships in fleet. I pray good things come my work and all of this. Damion

Songs that go with my blog-

Sunday, 18 August 2019

The egg timer model for reality

I stumbled on this fractal, I didn't make it but it's shape is closely related to my work on reality.

I think this explains how my 42 fractal and Jasons quantum cube are related (they are on 90 degree angles to enact other travelling through an extra dimension I think). It also explains why I found it hard working out if my equaltural pyramid 42 fractal or the 1.5 height pyramid was right, they both are as seen above.

The bad guys seem to be falling apart

I think Trump is getting desperate. Can foreign governments be careful, please take a look for evidence  his regieme and support is falling apart. He's likely to try crazy plans now. He's trying to drag us all down with him so he isn't alone in his crimes against aliens. I'm hoping I can be welcomed back not the fold as it where now, I'm hoping the new uk government will meet with me in person and I can start getting involved with the right people from around the planet. We need our best and brightest working together. Damion

Saturday, 17 August 2019

MK u (and your friends and family)

The USA mind control society is still putting a lot of pressure on everyone doing things like trying to stop people caring about their kids and being upset they have been mind controlled. I found today they are holding frequencies in everyone to make them more open to suggestion I think it is, it's for something like that. This mind control is what's stopping me getting help, that is stopping their society from falling when it obviously should. Everyone wants it gone...We need teams of people undoing the mind control if anyone can chip in with this. We need to free each other up. Damion

Friday, 16 August 2019

Just for Aer

The last post was about things I mentioned some time ago but is more relevant now. Our new friends and higher dimensional life are closely related. I'm going through some testing times trying to get better, I'm feeling a bit rough but I'm in high hopes I will get better. D

Temporal life

We have found temporal life exists, that is life in higher dimension. We're going to learn a lot about life, the universe and even ourselves in the future. I've learnt we all have a higher dimensional self, a symbiont of sorts, it's what we know as a soul. It acts like a subconscious guide and exists after we die. I always thought science and religion would meet one day and it seemingly will. The problem is the Trump regime is pretty evil and trying to take over places like where higher dimensional life exists.  Damion

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

the USA military has taken over torturing me recently

They are lashing out torturing me, they have 'invented' torture wedensday based on a cpu game this guy played. the worse things get the worse they torture me, looks like things are real bad for them lol, it was nerve toxin yesterday. i dont care iof they torture me. this needs to end. they are lashing out at the aliens though, they are trying to use me as a weapon for one. it turns out they phasered and killed a trillion aliens, they destroyed a ship. this is just one of their crimes in space. I think this was because they are basically the good guys; in a future the good guys/trumps enemies and these aliens make friends. This is just evil and pathetic...

Trump- just leave, your just lashing out now. its over. Damion

Sunday, 11 August 2019

The care takers

We don't just need to get rid of Trump, I'm not sure if I told you about them; there's the 'care takers' as well. It's a group of 5 individuals that control the USA from behind the scenes. We should ID them and what they've done and spread the info perhaps. They are in key positions. Damion

Friday, 9 August 2019

Mi6 update

Mi6 are still letting the CIA in my room to do surguries. They torture me all the time and do sick experiments still if ppl can help. They were in night before last stealing a bit of my nervous system to sell. Can people provide support to the new Prime minister plz. He wants rid of this. It will lead to good things. Damion


This is a message to the governments of the world. The CIA is going to strike the aliens again, we need to stop them. Damion

We need to act now

We need to and now. Yesterday the CIA released a hypnotic/psyonic weapon that damages/kills against all the aliens. ALL of them, there's a lot of spiecies, a trillion it is said. This was not in our planets interest, it was just Trump trying to save being tried as a war criminal in space. It's ridiculous, it passed down five layers of command from Trump to who released the weapon. 

We need to unite and stand against these actions as a planet. We're a good race and nows the time to prove it. It's time for the governments of world to act. We should help the people in the USA who disagree with Trump and his mind control society stand up against this. I say we should try the people responsible for the crimes in space and use the process to form treaties with the aliens to clarify the laws in our space, open space and their space and hopefully form friendships which from meeting them seems very possible. I really like some of them. 

I still think just putting the cure for cancer, the warp drive and the telepathy in the press would be the best way to end this, then letting word of mouth do the rest. D