I'm pretty good with problem solving so a few different strategies should be easy to come up with.
Ok, the plan is to try get my hypnosis to work properly, a psycho-civilised society as I call it. I need to get famous I think, either that or having power over the bad guys which would be difficult but far from possible. These are my SOS plans for you guys (if your feeling brave).
Family and friends-
Emotional support can always help, a random hug can stop me feeling alone, tolerance to the fits can help a lot. Supporting me with my projects if you can will always help I have so much work I'm involved with help is invaluable stuff. Here are some more direct tactics you could use to help me...
1. LET PEOPLE KNOW, try get it to GO VIRAL, A HACKER, SOCIAL MEDIA, FORUMS, HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISATIONS. A COPY OF MY BOOK OR AUTISM WORK WILL DO in a pinch. You could always edit, add to or create ways to make it some information on me go viral. One key strength we have is the content of my blog is in world interest, these issues effect everyone, really; everyone. I have been told a few times my book has a 'different' effect when someone realises it's all true, maybe advocating this aspect will help.
My readers and people online-
u need to be careful, you could easy get the attention of MI6 or the CIA, be very careful if you think your within their reach like in the UK.
GOING VIRAL passing information on is a main tactic. If your well versed in autism you could improve and circulate my Autism Work (happy to share credit btw), if your skilled with computers you could package and send out information people on-mass, if you read you could do extracts from my book. If all else fails get a kitten, get it to look really terrified at camera and do a voice over say 'please help Damion at www.thefirstquantumhypnotist.blogspot.com
NETWORKING- you could send out information to people/organisations in positions of power on my behalf to try get them to act. The majority of people would support us good guys, we more want what everyone would want, it's just again getting a power base together.
THE WORLD MEDIA ROUTE- Rupert Murdoch is CIA controlled now to avoid news international. Much on my blog a reporter should be really interested in, forwarding it to journalists increases me being put in a paper ect, I imagine after one story is printed it will become a landslide, I get famous, the UK caves in on MI6, I can then find my freedom and get back to work.
THE BEST IDEAS PAY- Know/let others know information on me and all this will be worth a lot of money some day soon. People could get in the position to have useful information or an interesting story that is potentially worth money. An example 'I asked my followers to phone brid police on my behalf and request they help me and record this anonymous call. Hehe, some people actually did as well, they didn't put themselves at risk and they have a recording that's worth money some day soon. If you were feeling brave a letter to Downing Street you record asking for me being helped, it would be worth money in itself and would be worth money to me and the media. You should try think out of the box and think of ways a secret service won't notice, like not letting me know, using other accounts, covering up your IP address. Any takers please contact me when the time is right with regard to these stratergys. I'm happy to help people make money, especially if it helps me/us beat all this.
THE MOST EXPENSIVE GADGET EVER- A foreign country used a device that can only be recorded on once to measure the electromagnetic radiation produces, at the same time they disrupted my bug for a second resulting in me staggering and nearly falling. Pulsing a very high frequency at neural frequencies (0-100hz) should cause noticeable effect. If you invested in this and recorded me stumbling you have proved I have a bug in me and am reliant on hypnosis, David Cameron had to go to Kazakstan was it July 2013 in humiliation to buy it back, he cut £40 billion off spending to pay to buy it back, MI6 have made me sure he paid £50 billion for it. It would make it the most expensive gadget in history, I'm not sure how much Apollo eleven cost...hmmm. A device like this would be worth a lot in a few ways, this idea is more for my organised readers/people with recourses.
BE PREPARED- Buy/get/build a near field controller/suppressor. This stops bugs working, you have one you have a cornerstone of any psychological security.
FIRST CONTACT- if a group organisation would like to make direct (in real life) contact with me which can happen now my shrinks are all over the world and can provide hypnotic support (two shrinks are needed to keep my lobotomy taking effect), here is some information you'd need to make a meet up work...
A good aim would be getting a new conscious net (network of shrinks). Doing this would change absolutely everything. It would definitely be best done logically and not spoken between the lines at all, I find this difficult. Just tune into my bug, chat with me with hypnosis then come up and wave at me and keep chatting, This will be new to me so unfamiliar but I'm sure would soon actually be a relief, chatting in person with spectral hypnosis is so much better, bug communication causes some type of unpleasant stress. You say what you can offer and anything you need from me and we get me to a secure conscious net. I'm happy to offer my skill set to good people, I'm happy to help people make money ect.
Note; you have to take into account my situation like the drug device they have in me, I can not make complex decisions quick on the drugs, I can hold it together just about though. My Autism is mild but still a pain, I need to be feeling bright and happy to decode subversion, to be logical not subversive.
The only thing I ask of groups who would help is to be the good guys. I'm pretty easy to control, just don't be evil and I'm happy to work with you.
Just some ideas for you guys
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