Monday 18 March 2019

Its falling

The mind control society is falling...Im kinda getting better...I've developed something...I'll explain soon. One of the effects is lowering what causes aging, its a cure for that and many other things. Us freedom fighters have hit them hard.

The president of China has made an official attempt on my life, there is evidence of this. They just poisoned me but i survived. Its the mind controllers influence. Ive started a viral news net on the net to get the truth out. Any hackers should contribute to it spreading. You make a line of code that you add a message to and it then sends to another person, a bit like a social media floating message system, the screen pops up, you read the main message, you add a comment and it sends to other people. something along that lines.

Nick Clegg has had an attempt made on his life, he's a real good guy. people need to rally around him, hes tried to help us achieve freedom. We need to make sure the mind controllers cant kill him, they've even threatened to torture him.

Teresa May and the Chinese president are trying to rally as they know they will face severe sentences for their evil. They have killed a lot of people, look for the mistakes they've made, there are plenty, an example will be two stories in the press, if you put the stories together they uncover the truth.

If we look at the stories that hit the press years ago, the foundation of the mind control society, 2003 onward, it has sunk to the base of the dam, we need to put these stories together and blow them up. viral news is our flood...

D (of the Phoenix net)

p.s freedom fighters, lone wolfs of the east, the phoenix net, everyone, with viral news start spreading useful info especially tech like ways to get world wide communications up and other useful info, do it now.

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