Monday, 28 January 2019

Derren Brown

Ive had Derren Brown the stage hypnotist attacking me, he's being stealing bits of my nervous system for the Queen and Nazi net. Its done a lot of damage to humanity, well, the ones with the hypnosis. The hypnosis comes from my brain waves after all. Ive been hacking Derren to defend myself- he organises murders for people including the Queen and a 40 something male in his family. I guess you got to look for the big jobs. Hes done a lot more after all. Hes raped 20 children and pretends to be a kid while doing so he claims to minimise damage. the magic roundabout might be his ring. I was really shocked about this. He didn't seem like the type from his tv presentation. Hes spent the last 6 days or so attacking me. I went on methadone program a while ago as it was my only way to get pain killers, i missed a day yesterday, it made me realise how close to death I am. Im dying basically just slowly due to the torture. I guess im chemically dependant as ill die without them. At least id get to be with my daughter. D

Friday, 18 January 2019

The class 6 warp drive and saving my daughter Esme

My daughter Esms is in Aberdeen or Glasgow, its where Essence was. The Queen it seems is after murdering her like Essence. Can my friends please help. Im really worried. Below is an idea im giving to Esme for her and our imediate family to benefit from. I'd like her to trade it for safety and security and resourses. Her signature and word is as good as mine with this project. Please network with her guys. Heres how the class 6 warp drive basically works.

The Class 6 warp drive

if you make a spherical field you get gravity.
If you make an egg shaped field you get acceleration.
If you make it egg shaped at both ends you get momentum.

Ive had an idea on interlocking warp cores, they work by there warp fields intertwineing. if you make a big central warp core and two smaller ones at the side you should be able to make an warp drive out of this. Either this or you bend your dioscilator slightly to get the same effect.

Ill be able to put scans from my notebook online a week today. until then i hope this does. Thank you Damion Cappleman 18/1/19

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

I love you

I have to go on fighting this bullshit. I cant even get upset about Essence because of all the abuse and joinging minds. Life is pretty crappy like this. I guess you go on fighting for something better. I miss you Essence, I know your out there somewhere. I miss you lots. luv Dad

Related image
(for Essence)

Be with who...

A song I'm putting on to do with a personal experience, its hard to explain. Its to do wth higher dimensions and life. I'll leave it at that. D a song

Monday, 14 January 2019

My son Dames and my daughter Essence

The American regime is holding my son Dames in America. They invited him and his other Dad to the USA to get an education, this was before Trump came into office. Its because he's displayed a genius level I.Q/potential. I want to find out more and maybe get him out to a safe country. Could people at least give me a heads up on whats really going on.

The Queens goons are abusing me to do with Essence in different ways, I still haven't taken on board i might not see her again. Donald Trump and the Queen will face justice. D

Scared yet?

The CIA tried murdering the Chronids with my abilities this morning, its one of their 5 wars. They killed their temporal selves I think, Scared yet? D

The Warp Hyper Drive and Square energy

I've developed the concepts for the class/type 5 warp drive. Its a whistles and bells warp drive combining the M-drive, Trans Warp. the Flow Core principle and minus 1 sec warp core principles. I need a bit of feedback on Warp Accelerators/Warp Cells, the principle might also be incorporated. I've got some diagram's on this and a lot of work on squaring energy. A point to note is squaring energy is potentially very useful but could also be likely dangerous and we should think very carefully how to proceed. I need a way to get the right people my work and for us to work together. Come on guys, this needs to end, it really does. D

Thursday, 10 January 2019

A song

a song I once sung for Essence... a song

Donald Trump and Nazi net have murdered my daughter

They have murdered my daughter Essence ive been told, can some of my friends please confirm this. I'd like to know. She was recently raped by the royal family, she went around telling everyone, its what you should do after all. Donald Trump ive found ordered her death, only the top of Nazi Net could ok this. I think its part of the 'war' they declared against me personally believe it or not, I think for political and legal reasons. They have really messed up in space again ive heard, im scared to tell you about the afterlife weve found and they are trying to sell and control. This needs to end, you'll regret it if it doesnt end now.

Donald Trump has crossed the line, I love Essence, im hoping shes still alive but they keep trying to put fake Essences in. Theres no way back for you Trump. He's murdered millions for his prymid schemes and false economies, he's bringing unethical buisnuss and banking tricks to the world population. Look into unethical tricks like this and you can understand his tactics. He's scum and needs to go, I dont want America making a penny from my work until he's brought to justice for his crimes. This is my official stance. Damion Cappleman 10/01/2019

Thursday, 3 January 2019

five wars

Donald Trump has started five wars, three with aliens, its a long story. Ill do a proper post soon. were in a lot of trouble. Ive been told the UN has broken down. this needs to end. please. D