Friday 5 April 2019

The CIA has blown off 80-90% of the ozone/ the class 7 warp drive (the X drive)

its why were having hot days and cold nights. people are dying from radiation poisoning. They (as in Trump and the CIA) did it on purpose, the warp core in china, nasa screwing up my rescue plan, all of it. They plan to scorch the earth, they plan to kill us. they have tried twice. America is geared for war as well, if you look at what they have developed its all about war. we need to stop this, hit the press, we need to inform everyone. I've come up with some plans to replace the ozone and create a radiation shield.

I've also found a new way to make a warp drive working on moving oxygen rich asteroids to earth. Its basically two axels in a cross shape spinning an em field around but i ocsilate the energy around. Ill put it online soon but i dont have a smart phone, it doesnt seem right to put it online with the above news. China and America seem obsessed with stealing my idea (again). A little help would be appreciated to end this, they are making the human race seem pathetic and evil, c'mon guys. Lets get going. D

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