Saturday 23 February 2019

First contact

A lot has happened... There is a habitable planet in the Centari system, the problem is trinary systems are very popular, we found aliens there. The problem is Trump and the mind controlers wanted the planet for themselves, they attacked the aliens there seeing they wernt as advanced as us. It turned out these aliens have friends who are more advanced than us though. Trump was terrified would be the appropriate word they would come for him personally. America was scared there was going to be a war and was gearing up for it, Trump decided he wouldnt sacrifice himself. I came up with the idea of establishing communications with the aliens so we could avert this crisis. If you use the magnetic accelerator as a particle thrower to throw particles faster than light, you then learn to sense and create the particles it creates- they will be faster than light particles, you can use these for a faster than light comms system. You ask temporal net what the universal standard hailing frequency is as it probably exists and we could get comms with the aliens up, so we could turn a crisis into an opportunity and make friends with the aliens as I put it. Trump used this idea to get in touch with aliens and rather than do the right thing, he traded my class 5 (most advanced) warp drive for a cruiser, mind control tech and other dodgy things we've found out. The mind controllers were planning on killing and abusing all of us pretending to be aliens! I sent a command to temporal net in responce to this to look for something in science that is known for seemingly randomly vibrating that aliens use for communication. We found it. The Bangles band happened to be in my conscious engine that day, i was making friends with them, their lead singer is kinda feisty and has a strong sense of right and wrong. She put her life on the line to get this information out to the good guys out there. The world is letting the aliens who seem really good know how the mind controllers dont speak for us. Luke has had to risk his life to set up a support network for my son Phoenix because Younger planned to kill him as well. Please can my friends provide support for the Bangles, Luke and Esme and my other immediate family if possible, please, ill do something good for you in return some day. Thats whats happened, thats were we are now, I'm doing my best to sort things but its time we let humanity know, it really is, come on everyone, it's about time...Lets do it. D

songs that go with my blog- Its time

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