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Sunday 20 May 2018

Rally! (to the leaders of the free world)

I wrote a post recently about when I nearly died of the queens temporal net designed protein drug, like what she killed Steven Hawkins with. It was about a month ago when I was spiked with it. I've only recently found out something about what happened so am blogging about it now. Just an hour before I was to go to bed that night, my nets were starting to go dim and had started to shut down, the mum of one of my sons said to the doctor present 'how long does he have'. The doctor replied 'a few hours'. That was when I realised, about my body nets shutting down...That I was going to die. I psychologically slapped myself around the face.That's when my savant syndrome or something kicked in. I used my abilities to try and alter the atomic bonds of the elements in my damaged proteins using temporal net. This is when my body started to glow in yellow fire where my disappearing nets were previously. Mi6 went to cut my audience straight off but just before they did I feel this wave of a kind of shocked emotion run through the conscious engine, like a gasp. It was only an hour before I went to bed, apparently I'd have died in my sleep if I'd have slept.

The yellow fire was the proteins, my body switching back on and my audience knew this. A lot of people were in that audience, some of them quite influential people I've recently found. One of them happened to be the Pope I've been told.' I've found out recently he apparently classed what happened as a miracle of some sort. Maybe to try and help me. A Christian vicar tried some months ago to go to the Catholic Church to try make something like this happen from another strange occurrence. That vicar had some force of character about him, I'll always remember that of him, a real good guy. The Catholic Church was being swayed by something was my opinion at the time, undoubtedly the mind control societies influence. This time it was different though it seems. I think the Pope wants to help me, I think to ultimately end the troubles mentioned in this blog. The Pope has made a brave move it seems, going against who I thought were controlling him. People should rally around him and give him as much support as they can.

I'm finding myself in a lot of trouble guys, about what I said in my last post, this is coming to a head at some point soon. I say to everyone out there who wants change; rally around your leaders like the Pope, the leaders you know as leaders of what's left of a free world. Then network together. I have many people who support my cause from Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Seikism and from the other world religions. We all need to rally together and soon. I have a court case coming in the not too distant future that could see me go away for quite a few years, it would limit my options somewhat. The UK government has set the court case and me up. Time is limited. We need to turn a crisis into an oppertunity with this one if you need or want me as an active part of the fight against the mind control society. We need to plan, coordinate, hit them hard and not faulter, all of us. Think on your feet everyone. Keep your tactics loose so you can change them at the last minute, to throw the mind control info gathering net off... I'm not sure how long I've got till my case but the clock is ticking... looks like it's time to make a stand...Get to it people.D

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