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Monday 21 May 2018

A brave social worker-

A brave social worker and I are trying to defend the children of the uk from the chienese peadophiles that are attacking them while they sleep. Teresa May I believe with the Queen sold our body nets including the childrens to the Chinese some time ago. A Chinese government agent stated the children of the UK belong to China. We've come up with a plan to compile enough information to prove about our children's persecution.
The uk government is now trying to pick off the social workers one by one with personal information. Other social workers said they would take the place of the first brave one if necessary. Teresa said we don't have a choice about the children when we were fighting the government off from its attacks.
The chienese are here now, they are making it obvious they won't leave the children alone easily. We've fought them off, they are in league with the Conservative party, I hacked they plan to illegally keep the conservatives in power. We're going to get our information compiled and put enough pressure on to protect our kids, and the rest of us. D
P.s Thank you to the brave social worker, you've gone in my medal recommendation page in my notebook. Your really brace.

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