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Sunday 5 January 2020

Hack request- Trumps Treasure and Trumps pryamid schemes all over the place

Can hackers get this info from temporal nets around the place- I’ve found Trump uses pryamdid schemes evil as they are. Can we find out a list of old collapsed schemes dating to the ones which are going to collapse soon to the ones he’s setting up in the future to collapse. Can we then look at what this effects. Is he collapsing these pyramids to capitalise on the collapse somehow.

Trump will be trying to steal/stock the most valuable/best source of revenue to us and others spieces from all of this, something he could keep secret easily, probably in alpha centuries. He is stealing humanities resources and future potential, it’s in our interests we find out what Trumps Treasure is and where it is. Perhaps getting probable scans of the ships gone to centari. Damion

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