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Wednesday 29 May 2019

America attacking my cells and some info

I learnt how to see cells a while ago using temporal net. Trump and alot of the million Americans that have the hypnosis have being living in my cells (their hypnotic selves/EMS) and attacking me. The world should be aware of this, they are trying to take over the world after all. They alot wont fight Trump, I remember just before Christmas (this is strange- Americans are trying to promote calling it xmas for religious manipulation), I remember what america as a whole said to the CIA- 'do whatever it takes' (to protect their economy. This was just before they (Trump and the Queen) raped and murdered my daughter essence.

They tried weaving my mind with a depressed schizoid last night while i slept, it wasnt nice when i woke. the entire hypnotic population went mad, i went back to sleep for a few hours and managed to fix it after that, even kids had effects from it. Trump has a personality disorder like the queen, from my experience they wont go no matter what and will just make things get worse and worse.

America has been doing a study into out monkey ancestors and using it for manipulation of different races (it gives insight into the Id), they are continuing their nazi BS, an NSA guy for Trump and the one with glasses from the big bang theory tv show are here promoting it saying 'you just dont want me to be better than you'. Hes already stolen a ridiculous number of autistic nets including mine. This is bullshit if ever there was it... our whole fucking world is whats in a hot dence state....there should only be one big bang... and thats in the press...Damion lol, penny (blonde actress one)  is threatening to sue me. im not bad mouthing the tv show in any way btw, just getting the truth out.

p.s they are doing secret court cases hiding the money ive made with usa citizens for favours like saying they've been mind controlled, covering up the genocide ect.

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