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Thursday 5 July 2018

Planetary crisis solution- Planetary temporal slingshot

Right, we make a mobile temoral core like what created the black hole what caused this crisis on a ship, we then do a fly by outside of earths orbit to slingshot the planet back into a stable orbit. Its my best solution so far. My other solutions involve a network of warp cores around the earth to make the earth lighter using my warp gravitational decrease harmonic....Theres also the World Engine, i'm not keen on this one, its a way to build a city sized engine I designed using temporal net about a year ago (A friend from the future was keen on it).

MI6 headed by the Queen are constantly torturing me, the UK's only plan is to build the Queen and co a long term space ship ive found. They are trying a personality change experiment, i have hundreds if not thousands of scum from the upper classes and scumbag hackers/torturers joinging minds with me. Anyway, back to the problem at hand. Lets sort it guys, theres a lot of people working on this now so don't panic, we'll be fine.

Planetary slingshot...

Image result for gimbal earth gif

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