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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Something freaky

I am sat in my mums back garden, I was just attempting to stroke the belly of one of the fish in my mums pond, it has moss on it so I thought he might appreciate a clean. All animals have quantum nets, that means with my hypnosis you can tune into and see the energy of animals. I imagined a fish just now, a different one ( not one in the pond) and I could feel the spine, the empty bit down the middle where organs are, its gills, i could feel its body nets, like id seen them before. I just tried imagining something more random, a llama, I can do the same with that, why the hell can I do this? I don't even remember being near a llama (I think I did in my childhood). My abilities have actually surprised me this time. As my friend Pauline would say 'its freaky-deaky'.

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